JFK: Resources on Jim Garrison and the Jim Garrison investigation of the JFK assassination: trial of Clay Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy with David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald; Jim Garrison, District Attorney: president, john, kennedy, jfk, lee, harvey, oswald, lee harvey oswald, lee oswald, david, ferrie, david ferrie, clay, lavergne, shaw, clay shaw, jim, garrison, jim garrison, james, james garrison, new, orleans, new orleans, assassination, conspiracy, theory, theories, evidence, oliver, stone, oliver stone, kevin, costner, kevin costner, bacon, kevin bacon, joe, pesci, joe pesci, tommy, jones, tommy lee jones, john, candy, john candy, jack, lemmon, jack lemmon, movie, jfk movie, gary, oldman, gary oldman, david reitzes, reitzes, dave reitzes, william, davy, william davy, bill davy, probe, jfk probe, garrison probe, jim garrison probe, lisa, pease, lisa pease, jim dieugenio, dieugenio, eugenio, bertrand, clay bertrand, guy banister
Impeaching Clinton
Does solid eyewitness testimony link Oswald to some of Jim Garrison's suspects?
US District Court civil action, Clay L. Shaw v. Jim Garrison, 1971
Jerry P. Shinley Archive
David Blackburst Newsgroup Archive
Dave Reitzes Newsgroup Archive
Oliver Stone's JFK: Cast Members Speak Out
Response to Garrison advocate Bill Davy
Decision of Judge Herbert Christenberry
Newsgroup posts pertaining to Jim Garrison, Garrison's JFK probe,
and the assassination of JFK
Newsgroup posts pertaining to Garrison's JFK probe, suspect David Ferrie,
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