Cost of a B-17

As a postscript to the B-17 story (and in response to various queries), here is some cost information on the B-17 Fortress. According to Peter Bowers's *Boeing Aircraft Since 1916" the cost of a B-17G when built in mass-produced quantities in 1943-44 was:

	Airframe 			$127,069 
	Engines 		 	 $38,483 
	Propellers 		 	 $11,900 
	Electronics 	  	  $9,040 
	Ordnance 		  	  $6,342 
	Miscellaneous equipment  $45,495 
	Total: 			$238,329 

Sounds like small potatoes today!

  1. Boeing Aircraft Since 1916, Peter M. Bowers, Naval Institute Press, 1989.