Jo Ellen Litz, People Above Politics – Litz brings Local Government, Small Business, and Conservation Experience to the Table.

If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call ChildLine to file a confidential report at 1-800-932-0313. Foster Parents are needed. If you have patience and love to give to a child, call Michelle Curry at 717.228.4430 to schedule training.

2024 is the Presidential Election

Congratulate 50-year voters!

Know someone who didn’t miss an election in 50 years?  It isn’t immediate as research and verification go into the process, but Voter Registration will accept nominations at .  If and when verified, the voter will receive a gubernatorial proclamation.

New polling places:

Positive Posts/Accomplishments:

America PA 250 planning;

Camp Shand purchased;

City side of County Building purchased to accommodate expanding population;
Department of Emergency Services new 911 Center & Towers;
Facebook Live broadcast of commissioner meetings ;
Farmland Preservation 20,981 acres (20% of ag land in Lebanon County);

Fire School rebuilt second time;

First Responder phones;

Inwood Bridge replaced; 

Krall Barn erected @ Union Canal Tunnel;
Lebanon Valley Expo improvements–lighting, bleachers…;
Lebanon Valley Rail Trail;
Tower Improvements & Security at Governor Dick;
Veterans 100% disabled real estate tax exemption, burial markers…;
WEPA empowerment center;
Women’s Hall of Fame.


Your FULLTIME commissioner working to bring you TRANSPARENCY and COMMUNICATION with emails, texts, Facebook posts, Live Streaming & YouTube.  

Born and raised in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, in 2024 Jo Ellen started her 7th term as a Lebanon County Commissioner who is the Boots on the Ground for local government implementing programs to Protect Children, Serve Families, Secure Justice, Manage Emergencies, and Safeguard Elections In short, Commissioner Litz Safeguards the Public Trust.

Whether it was the 2004 Campbelltown Tornado, Tropical Storm Lee in 2011, Jonas 30″ Snowstorm 2016 ,  the Summer Storm of 2018,  Y2K when no one knew if the electricity grid would fail due to programming error, or the Coronavirus Pandemic pf 2020-22,

I’ve been here for you.

Litz was elected by her peers from across the state of Pennsylvania to serve as the 2012 president and 2013 chairman of the Board for the statewide commissioner’s association. 

Litz is about starting a conversation from public structures like roads and bridges, water and sewer, schools, and energy.  A sound infrastructure is the basis of a sound economy.  Litz believes we need these Economy Boosting Jobs to put money into the pockets of people so that they can buy homes, cars, and goods.  Litz supports a transportation plan to make our roads and bridges safe.  In this way, we will create good paying jobs, get people to these jobs, our goods to market, and children to schools. 

Jo Ellen served as the chair of the MPO (2012-15)–Metropolitan Planning Organization for Lebanon County–where she helps to prioritize local road and bridge projects with PennDOT and the Federal Highway Administration.

Keep Litz doing the People’s Business.

County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz

Accessible – Transparent –

Fiscally Conservative

Press Conference 
  • Born and raised in Lebanon County, a rural county in south-central Pennsylvania, Jo Ellen’s grandparents were farmers.  Her Pennsylvania Dutch heritage is remembered  with Pennsylvania Dutch cooking.
  • A Remarkable Democrat & Leader
  • An Active Community Volunteer
  • Champion of the Swatara Creek, farm preservation, and Lebanon Valley Rail Trail.
  • YouTube Channel Playlists                    To read automatic transcripts of YouTube presentations, hover and click on the “cc” on the lower right-hand corner of each video.
  • Igniting a Generation.
  •  Wikipedia
  • Web site paid for by Jo Ellen Litz


More about Jo Ellen Litz

  • Jo Ellen Litz brings Local Government, Small Business, and Conservation Experience to the Table.
    • Local Government Experience – 7-term Democratic Lebanon County Commissioner served as Chairman of the Lebanon commissioner Board in 2014; 2012 president and 2013 Board Chair of the County Commissioners Association of
    Pennsylvania; in 2012 was the Democratic party candidate for state senate (48th district); and in 2014 a candidate for governor of Pennsylvania.
    o Helped to successfully and fairly negotiate over 30 union contracts with seven unions as a county commissioner.

• Small Business Experience – Saved Lebanon (Auto) Body Shop when her Boss retired after health problems; provided good paying jobs with benefits. Simultaneously ran Litz Company Commercial Rentals through 2020 (over 30 years).
• Conservation Experience – 33 year President Swatara Watershed Association through 2021. Swatara Sojourn over 30 years cleaning up a source of our drinking water. Helped to create Swatara Water Trail; save the historic Bordner cabin; and
make a private park public, Swatara Watershed Park, with fishable banks, walking trail, pavilion, primitive campsites, and a boat launch….
• Party-Building Experience –
o 83-84 Chair of the Lebanon County Democratic Committee.
o Grassroots Committeeperson over 50 years.
o Hillary Delegate 2 Xs. Also, went to Democratic inaugurations.
o Active in Rotary, the Woman’s Club of Lebanon, & the Commission for Women. 

Community Volunteer

As president of the Swatara Watershed Association for 33 years ( 1988-2021), Jo Ellen and her team saved the Bordner Cabin from the wrecking ball; preserved the Swatara Watershed Park, 1929 Blacks Bridge Road, Annville; and created the Swatara Water Trail, which is a total of 60 miles beginning in Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, flowing through Lebanon County, and ending at the Susquehanna River in Dauphin County between Middletown and Royalton.

Team Litz

Donate to Team Litz  using PayPal 

Invest in my campaign for commissioner.  As a TEAM, we can overcome Big Money, and make this a People’s Campaign. 

Each of us is at a different place in our life.  Some people can volunteer time.  Other people can provide financial support–$5, $50, or $500 a month.  Whatever your situation, your contribution of time and/or money is gratefully appreciated.   

Your early and/or monthly donation will help Jo Ellen to get elected by printing literature, reserving media buys, ordering signs….  

Thank you for your help and support during this campaign.  Your unwavering commitment is the wind beneath my wings.

On election day, every vote matters.  You matter!  And I can’t win this race without you.

Volunteer  today  Jo Ellen Litz

Thank you for your support and for all that you do.

Sincerely, Jo Ellen


Contact Us

400 S 8th St., Lebanon PA 17042

The Lebanon County Courthouse houses many County offices. Workshops Wednesdays as needed at 1:30PM.

To receive Meeting Highlights, send a request to Jo Ellen. Voting sessions are held the 1st & 3rd Thursdays monthly, or about two emails per month.

No Bologna $10 Don +shipping