Johannes Kepler - Thinking God's Thoughts After Him

  • ️Fri Dec 18 2020

I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses.

Johannes Kepler

At Cupinga's I was offered union with a virgin; on New Year's Eve I achieved this with the greatest possible difficulty, experiencing the most acute pains of the bladder.

Johannes Kepler

The Earth is round, and is inhabited on all sides, is insignificantly small, and is borne through the stars.

Johannes Kepler

Great is God our Lord. Great is His power and there is no end to his wisdom

Johannes Kepler

Nature uses as little as possible of anything

Johannes Kepler

Yes, I give myself up to holy raving

Johannes Kepler

God is in the Numbers

Johannes Kepler

I affirm and demonstrate that the movements of the planets are modulated according to harmonic proportions

Johannes Kepler

The Earth sings Mi-Fa-Mi, so we can gather even from this that Misery and Famine reign on our habitat

Johannes Kepler

I fear astrology is nothing but a dreadful superstition, so unlike astronomy which is a true scienc

Johannes Kepler

It may be well to wait a century for a reader, as God has waited six thousand years for an observer

Johannes Kepler

O God, I am thinking Thy thoughts after Thee

Johannes Kepler

I had the intention of becoming a theologian - but now I see how God is, by my endeavours, also glorified in astronomy, for the heavens declare the glory of God

Johannes Kepler

The ideas of quantities have been and are in God from eternity, they are God himself

Johannes Kepler