

  • ️Tue Aug 20 2024

Support the IJA

The International Jugglers’ Association exists thanks to the support and generosity of members and donors. By contributing to one or more of the IJA donation funds, you’ll help ensure that the IJA continues as it has for almost 70 years: bringing the best of juggling to life and working to promote and sustain juggling and the variety arts.

If you’d like to make a direct donation to the IJA, that can be done quickly and easily using our secure credit card transactions. We welcome donations of all sizes and payment plans – whether it’s a one-time gift, a monthly contribution, or part of a matching gifts program. The International Jugglers’ Association (IJA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donation options outlined below are tax deductible in the United States on federal income tax returns to the extent allowed by law.

IJA General Fund

Support the International Jugglers’ Association (IJA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation will help the IJA continue its global outreach programs. Donations are tax deductible in the United States on your federal income tax return to the extent allowed by law.

IJA Regional Competitions

The IJA Regional Competitions (IRC) bring the IJA Stage Championship model to partner festivals and events around the world. The IRC awards jugglers around the world for performance routines displaying excellence in technique and entertainment. There have been 27 competitions in 15 countries since 2011. The goal for 2019 is to hold 9 competitions around the world and your donations will make this possible.

Props 2 U

Props 2 U is an IJA Program that collects new and used prop donations to send to deserving youth juggling programs around the world.  Props have been sent to Kenya, Afghanistan, Bolivia, North Korea, Ethiopia, Uganda and various programs in the USA. Your donation to Props 2 U will go towards paying for shipment of these props. 

Mini Mobile Circus for Children

Help the IJA support the Mini Mobile Circus for Children (MMCC), an Afghan-International non-profit organization that uses juggling and circus arts to help children traumatized by war to heal, build self-esteem and hope, and to express themselves. Your full donation will go to the MMCC.

Festival Scholarship Fund

The J. Todd Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund is named in honor of Todd Smith, one of the world’s top manufacturers of juggling equipment. Todd was known for giving away props to aspiring jugglers and had the nickname of “the juggler’s friend”. This scholarship fund will support new jugglers who have not had the chance to attend an IJA Festival. Thanks to the generosity of Professor Arthur Lewbel and Mike and Marilyn Sullivan. More information about how to apply for IJA Festival Scholarship will be posted soon.

Steve Rahn Memorial Fund

We celebrate the life of longtime IJA advocate and Life Member Steve Rahn. If you would like to give in his memory, this is the place to make your gift. These gifts will go towards the General Fund of the IJA.