Juggling Magazine Rack
This is the word in the U.K. on the Street Theatre, Juggling and New Circus scene.
Subscription comes with membership in the New Zealand Juggling Association.
Juggler's World is published quarterly by the International Juggler's Association to communicate with its members and as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on juggling.
Europe is an exciting place to be right now, and Kaskade captures that mood, with comprehensive coverage of conventions, meetings and workshops, as well as a candid look at controversial issues behind the harmony of juggling. Plus: interviews, reviews, practical tips.
Full of photos, articles, reviews, upcoming events and a list of workshops. Subscribe and find out what's up Down Under.
The most talked about juggling magazine! An irreverent, tongue-in-cheek look at the juggling world! The cheap, xeroxed mag you can't live without!