Turners Field

The reserve is managed as part of an organic livestock farm in partnership with a local farmer and consists of neutral grassland, a small stream, a pond and areas of scrub and mature woodland.

Opening times: open at all times.
Best time to visit: April to July, September to November.

About the reserve

There is a sizeable margin of unimproved neutral grassland with anthills and a rich mixture of grasses and herbs such as pepper saxifrage, black knapweed and bird's-foot trefoil. Woodland and scrub include alder, hornbeam, oak and hazel with hawthorn and blackthorn. A good range of birds and butterflies have been recorded notably nightingale and white admiral butterfly. Grass snakes and common lizards have also been recorded here. Management has included the planting of new hedges to create three smaller fields and the creation of a pond for Great Crested Newts. The site is grazed by Hereford Cattle or cut for hay.

Contact Us

If you need to get in touch regarding Turners Field, for any reason, please contact:

Matt Hayes
Contact number: 01622 662012
Contact email: [email protected] 

Environmental designation

  • Local Wildlife Site (LWS)