More about the Proto-Bulgarians

  • ️Vassil Karloukovski
Наблюдения на Петър Добрев върху ‘Пътувания...’ на Ибн Фадлан

On the name and the title of the rulers of Volga Bulgaria  by R. Fahrutdinov (in Russian)
                                (Kindly provided by Mr. Vladimir Belyaev and Mr. Arcady Molchanov)

Iranian elements in the Proto-Bulgarians  by V. Beshevliev (in Bulgarian)
                                (Kindly provided by Mr. Vladimir Belyaev and Mr. Arcady Molchanov)

On the Prototype of the Proto-Bulgarian Temples at Pliska, Preslav and Madara   by B. Brentjes
Central Asian Buddhist parallels of the Proto-Bulgarian pagan temples from NE Bulgaria

Constantine Porphyrogenitus and the Bulgarians  by G. Litavrin (in Russian)

Examples of the early Bulgar constume

IRANICA PROTOBULGARICA: Asparuch und Konsorten im Lichte der Iranischen Onomastik  by R.Schmitt (in German)

Altturkische Felszeichnungen in Nordost-Anatolien  by H. Vary (in German)

The Bulgars in the Balkans and the Occupation of Corinth in the Seventh Century  by K. Setton

On the Capture of Corinth by the Onogurs and Its Recapture by the Byzantines  by P. Charanis

The 'Second Bulgarian Empire.' Its Origin and History to 1204  by R. Wolff

Proto-Bulgarian Epigraphic Monuments  by V. Beshevliev

Sarmatian elements in the pagan necropolises of NE Bulgaria and N Dobrudzha  by E. Angelova (in Bulgarian)

On the origin of the Proto-Bulgarians  by R. Rashev (the original paper in Bulgarian)

Yazijioghlu 'Ali on the Christian Turks of the Dobruja  by Paul Wittek

Asparukh of Iberia, excerpt from The Cambridge History of Iran, v. 3

Medieval towns and fortresses in Macedonia  by I. Mikulchik (in Macedonian)

Paisius or Nicephorus: regarding the personal name and the titles of the founder of the First Bulgarian Kingdom by Stefan Iordanov (in Bulgarian)

Slavs, Turks and Indo-Iranians in the Early Middle Ages  by Stefan Iordanov (in Bulgarian)

On the border guard organisation at the time on the First Bulgarian Kindgdom  by Stefan Iordanov (in Bulgarian)

Pliska - 100 years of archaeological excavations  by R. Rashev and Y. Dimitrov.
An overview of the archaeology of the old capital of the First Bulgarian kingdom. With many additional pictures taken from other books.

Bulgarians and Romanians on the Lower Danube during the early Middle Ages (according to the archaeological data)  by D. Ovcharov (translated in Russian)

The Bulgaro-Khazar border and the Bulgaro-Khazar emnity from the end of the VII till the mid-IX c.  by G. Atanassov (translated in Russian)

The Barbarians in Justianian's Armies  by J. Teall

Conceptions of Ethnicity in Early Medieval Studies  by W. Pohl

The tribes of the Western Caucasus according to "Ashkharacujc"  by V. Butba (in Russian, excerpts)

The Fihrist of al-Nadim, A Tenth-century survey of Muslim Culture  (excerpts)
Al-Nadim mentions that the ‘Abbasid caliph al-Mam’un (786–833), son of Harud al-Rashid, wrote a more that 100 pages long "Answers to the Questions of the King of the Burghar Addressed to Him about Islam and the Unity (Theology)  (pp. 36, 254, 400)

The Slavs and the Avars by Omeljan Pritsak

Une inscription en langue proto-bulgare decouverte a Preslav  by J. Deny

The goddess of love in the megaron of the power: Observations on the power relations of paleobalkan peoples  by Stefan Yordanov (in Bulgarian)

Slavic-Greek symbiosis in Byzantium in the light of the toponymy  by Phaedon Malingoudis (in Russian)

Die bulgarische Fuerstenliste und die Sprache der Protobulgaren  by Omeljan Pritsak (in German)

The 'Onogurs' of the Byzantine chroniclers and the 'Haylandurs' of (the Armenian chronicler) Elishe  by Ju. Dzhafarov  (in Russian)

The unknown Old Bulgarian term "vlogzhupan"  by S. Ivanov  (in Russian)

Excavations at Bucov (Wallachia)  (in Romanian) - Possibly the earliest dated Cyrillic inscriptions (902-911 AD), from the time of tsar Simeon

Chinese elements in the culture of the mediaeval Bulgars  by Viktor Prikhodko (in Russian)

Ephemeris Dacoromâna (Roma, 1923) - including the article I Traci nelle epigrafi di Roma  by G. G . Mateescu

Doctrina Christiana. Investigations on the compilation and sources of the so-called "Speech of the philosopher" in the Old Russian Chronicle  by Hartmut Trunte  (in German)

On the history of the Bulgarian name of the city of Philippopolis. About the name Plovdin or Plovdiv  by Emil Kalužniacki, Constantine Jireček  (1896) (in German)

The Nominalia of the Bulgarian princes  by Mihail Tihomirov  (1946) (in Russian)

Protobulgarica (Remarks on the history of the Proto-Bulgarians until the mid-IX c. AD)  by Ivan Bozhilov, Hristo Dimitrov  (1995)  (in Russian)

The antique tomb by Pomorie (Kuhata mogila)  by Toma Petrov, Ivan Venedikov, Bojan Kuzupov (1969)  (in Bulgarian)

Origin and migrations of the ancient Bulgarians (in the search of a new approach to the old problem) (2012)  by Zhivko Vojnikov  (in Bulgarian)

The Old Bulgarian calendar - etymology of the names of the months and of the (cyclic) years  by Zhivko Vojnikov and I. Vojnikov  (in Russian, in Bulgarian)

The (non-)Bulgarian 12-year cyclic calendar - Avar legacy amongst the Bulgarians (2021) by Zhivko Vojnikov (in Bulgarian)

The Volga Tatars:
   Origins - The Bulgar State - The Mongol Conquest - The Vaisov's Bulgar sect  by A. Rorlich

Documentary evidence about the Bulgars in the IV – VII cc. AD  by V. Sirotenko (in Russian)

A short description of the Volga Bolgharic r-Turkic  by Mr. Cluster User

Scholars and scientists from Volga Bulgaria  by G. Davletshin (in Russian)

On the origin of the Volga Tatars  by A. Smirnov (in Russian)

Great Volga Bulgaria  by V. Iliev (in Bulgarian)

Brahmi, Estrangelo inscriptions from Volga Bulgaria  (in Bulgarian)

Bulgaria of Kubrat, excerpts from G. Cenov  (in Bulgarian)
kindly provided by Evelina Teneva

The runic epigraphy of the ancient Bulgars  by I. Kyzlasov (in Russian)

The myths of ancient Volga, in Russian

The Volga Bulgars in the IX-X cc. Preliminary notes  by Boris Grekov  (in Russian)

Slavs, Scythia, etc.:

Iranian and Slavic languages. Relations throughout the history  by D. Edel'man (in Russian)
An excerpt about the secondary "balkanisms" in the morphology, syntax of some Iranian l-s

The Evolution of Slavic Society and the Slavic Invasions in Greece. The First Major Slavic Attack on Thessaloniki, A. D. 597   by Speros Vryonis Jr.

Tamgas (functions of the symbol)  by V. Ol'hovskij, 2001 (in Russian). With 9 figures of Sarmatian, Old Turkic, etc. tamgas.

About the Zoroastrianism among the Alans in the VII-IX cc. b y R. Rudnickij, 2001 (in Russian)

The time of the appearence of the Alans in Eastern Europe and their origin  by A. Skripkin, 2001 (in Russian)

Istorija v osetinskom predanii by R. Bzarov (in Russian)
Description of the feudal relations, classes in Ossetia and of the institution of "nomilus" (second wife)

The Name SLAV  by B. Philip Lozinski

The genesis of the Balkan peoples  by Vladimir Georgiev

The position of Albanian  by Eric Hamp

"Old Scythia" and the Slavs  by O. Trubachev (in Russian)
An excerpt about the etymology of "slovene" (Slav) and its connection with the tribal name "stavana" in Ptolemy.

Temarundam "matres maris" by O. Trubachev (in Russian)
About the ancient names of the Black Sea, and about the Indo-Aryan, but not Iranian, language of the Sindo-Maeotian tribes of southern Scythia.

The tribes of European Sarmatia in the II c. AD   by A. Udal'cov (in Russian), with maps

The Outlines of Hungarian Prehistory  by D. Sinor

Hudud al-'Alam, The Regions of the World, A Persian Geography, 372 A.H. - 982 A.D.
with commentaries of V. Minorsky

The Language of the Huns  by O. Maenchen-Helfen
Chapter IX of his book, "The World of the Huns"

Studies in the History and Language of the Sarmatians  by J. Harmatta

Bernstein, Trubachev on the Balto-South-Slavic isoglosses  (in Russian)

Slavs and Albanians till the XII c. in the light of the toponomastics  by Alexander Loma  (in Serbian)

Towards the question about the origin of the Slavs of northern Albania  by Ivan Popovich  (in Russian)

Some Slavistic aspects of the Serbian ethnogenesis  by Alexander Loma  (in Serbian)

Toponymy and history. Observations concerning the Slavonic toponymy of the Peloponnese (1983)  by Phaedon Malingoudis

The Slavs in mediaeval Greece (1991)  by Phaedon Malingoudis (in Greek)

Die Voelker Suedosteuropas im 6. bis 8. Jahrhundert, B. Haensel (ed.) (Suedosteuropa Jahrbuch, 17, 1987):
    Die Voelker Suedosteuropas im 6. bis 8. Jahrhundert, Probleme und Ergebnisse (K. Horedt); Die Nordgrenze des byzantinischen Reiches im 6. bis 8. Jahrhundert (E. Chrysos); Das awarische Khaganat und die anderen Gentes im Karpatenbecken (6.-8. Jh.) (W. Pohl); Fruehe slawische Elemente im Namensgut Griechenlands (Ph. Malingoudis); Alte Relikte in Balkansprachen (N. Reiter)

The suffixal combination -av-itjo- in the west-Baltic l-s (1987) by A. Nepokupnyj  (in Russian)

Die Slavische Bevolkerung auf der Griechischen Halbinsel: Ein Beitrag zur Historischen Ethnographie Sudosteuropas (1978) by Michael W. Weithmann (Beitraege zur Kenntnis Suedosteuropas und des Nahen Orients, Band 31). An OCR-ed .doc file, kindly provided by Asen Tschilingirov

On probable Tungus-Manchurian origin of the Buyla inscription from Nagy-Szentmiklós  (2000)  by Eugene Helimski

The Roman Curia and the prohibition of the Slavonic liturgy in Great Moravia in 885 A.D. (1998)  by Boris Florja  (in Russian)

Regarding the classical antiquity's heritage of the South Slavic and the East Romance peoples  (1978) by Tatjana Zlatkovskaja  (in Russian)

About the identity of the Thracian culture in Roman times  (1981) by Tatjana Zlatkovskaja  (in Russian)

Three Paradoxes of the Cyrillo-Methodian Mission (1964) by Ihor Ševčenko 

Moscow the Third Rome: Sources of the Doctrine (1953)  by D. Strémooukhoff

“Made in Russia“. A Survey of the Translations Allegedly Made in Kievan Russia  (1993)  by F. Thomson

Myths and facts about the emergence of the Russian literary language  (1975) by A. Issatschenko  (in German)

What is „Old-Russian Literature“  (2000) by Hans Rothe  (in German)

What is „Old-Russian Literature“  (2015, Minsk) by Hans Rothe  (in Russian)

Milan Budimir’s views on Slav lexicon, origin and on Slav homeland  by Nebojša Radenković (2017?)  (in Serbian)

Central Asia, etc.:

History of the Armenians, Moses Khorenats'i -
     Commentary on the Literary Sources by R. Thomson

The runic alphabets of Central Asia  by I. Kyzlasov (in Russian)

About the formation of the Pamir-Fergana racial type  by L. Jablonskij (in Russian)

The artificial skull deformation in Central Asia  by T. Hodzhajov (in Russian)

Аrmenian sources on Central Asia, V-VII c. AD  by L. Ter-Mkrtichjan (in Russian). With a MAP of Central Asia,VII c. AD by S. Eremjan

Central Asia in the Early Middle Ages,  ed. G. Brykina. With maps.

About the titles of the Sogdian rulers  by O. Smirnova (in Russian)
                                (Kindly provided by Mr. Vladimir Belyaev and Mr. Arcady Molchanov)

The New Year festival "kalandas" among the Khorezmian Christians from the beginnig of the XI c. AD  by S. Tolstov (in Russian)
Al-Biruni's description of the Khorezmian "kalandas" festival, which is similar to those of the Balkans, the north Pontus and the Caucasus;
Khazar-Khorezmian relations, Judean influences from Khorezm to Khazaria

Bactrian marriage contract of 343 ADN. Sims-Williams (translated in Bulgarian)

The town of Balkh by Sh. Kamaliddinov (in Russian)

Historical geography of Southern Sogdiana and Northern Tokharistan according to Arab sources, IX-XIII cc.  by Sh. Kamaliddinov (in Russian)

Documents epigraphiques kouchans  by G. Fussman (in French)
The Dasht-e Nawur inscriptions from Afghanistan, written in three scripts: Bactrian-Greek, Kharosthi and an unknown script

Eastern Turkestan and Central Asia in the System of Cultures of Ancient and Medieval East (1986) Boris A. Litvinskij (ed.) (in Russian)

Germanic peoples:

Deutsche Altertumskunde. II (1887) by Karl Müllenhoff (in German)