KryptonSite's Smallville Episode Guide: Season 5


What It's About

Episode #5-1
Written By: Todd Slavkin & Darren Swimmer
Directed By: James Marshall
Air Date: September 29, 2005
Guest Stars: James Marsters (Brainiac), Leonard Roberts (Nam-Ek), Alana de la Garza (Aethyr), Terence Stamp (Voice of Jor-El)
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Triplet's Review

Clark is transported to the North Pole and arrives at a newly-formed Fortress of Solitude. There he speaks to Jor-El, who informs him that is the beginning of a new journey. Chloe also appears in the Arctic and Clark makes a deal with Jor-El to let him go so he can save her.

Two aliens emerge from the spaceship looking for Kal-El, terrifying Lana. Meanwhile, Lois helps the Kents, whose home is seriously damaged by last season's meteor shower.

Clark's new, human, powerless condition finally allows him to get close to and have intimate moments with Lana. They are interrupted by some escapees from Belle Reve who want Clark to help them obtain some "Kryptonite cocktails" from Level Three. The escapees keep the Kents and Lana hostage until they get what they want.

A dangerous situation puts the human Clark in mortal danger. His life is saved... at a price.

Episode #5-4
Written By: Todd Slavkin & Darren Swimmer
Directed By: Paul Shapiro
Air Date: October 20, 2005
Guest Stars: James Marsters (Prof. Milton Fine), Alan Ritchson (AC/Aquaman)

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Triplet's Review

Clark meets Arthur "AC" Curry, a young man with extraordinary powers underwater. AC is in Smallville hoping to sabotage a Luthorcorp experiment that is threatening sea life. While in Smallville, AC forms an attraction to Lois.

Read KryptonSite's interview with guest star Alan Ritchson!


Lana joins a sorority at Metropolis University where the pledge drives really suck... blood, that is... and membership lasts forever.

Meanwhile, Chloe lands a job at the Daily Planet.

An old friend of Jonathan's, senator Jack Jennings, is implicated in connection to a dead dancing girl. Lois and Clark go undercover to learn the truth.

Jennings' plight makes Jonathan realize that Kansas needs a good state senator.

Manufactured "silver kryptonite" brings out Clark's paranoid side, and his delusions show him some of his greatest fears, which he believes to be real.

Fine reveals himself as a Kryptonian like Clark in order to try and gain his trust.

Episode #5-8
Written By: Todd Slavkin & Darren Swimmer
Directed By: Paul Shapiro
Air Date: November 17, 2005
Guest Stars: James Marsters
WB Description
Triplet's Review

Martha is afflicted with a mysterious Kryptonian flesh-eating disease. Clark works with Fine to save her. Fine tries to trick Clark into poisoning the Fortress of Solitude.

Lex is shot and hovers near death, where he is presented with a dream that shows him what his life would be like if he made certain decisions. In this other life, Lex is a good man, married to Lana Lang, with one child and another on the way.

An obsessed fan of Lex Luthor's does whatever she can to ensure that Jonathan Kent is defeated in the senatorial race.

Hey, at least she didn't buy him a Smut Box!

A surviving witness of the arrival of the spacecraft in the second meteor shower comes after Lex Luthor for answers. Lex and Lana end up locked in Lex's Panic Room.

Clark finally reveals his secret to Lana, and proposes that they get married. Jonathan Kent wins the senatorial race. Lana is called to Lex Luthor's, and it's clear Lex knows Lana is hiding something. There is a chase on the road... and Lana dies.

Clark pleads to Jor-El to spare Lana's life. Time is reset, although this time, Clark still loses someone he loves, as his father, Jonathan, dies of a heart attack.

Read our interview with Al Gough about the "Reckoning" death
Read our interview with John Schneider about the "Reckoning" death

A watch belonging to Jonathan has been stolen by a criminal in Metropolis, and Clark is determined to get it back. While in Metropolis, he meets a masked vigilante known as the "Angel of Vengeance."

Meeting Andrea Rojas may teach Clark a bit about his future destiny....

A spirit from the past makes Chloe believe that she may have gone insane as her mother did.

Clark meets Victor Stone, a former Metropolis University athlete whose family died in a car accident. Victor was brought "back to life" thanks to cyborg implants courtesy of Luthorcorp.

Lex tracks Professor Fine in Honduras, and he also sends the seductive Simone after Clark in order to break Clark and Lana up forever.

Episode #5-17
Written By: Holly Harold
Directed By: Jeannot Szwarc
Air Date: April 6, 2006
Guest Stars: John Schneider (Jonathan Kent), Alisen Down (Lillian Luthor)
Trailer Screencaps
Triplet's Review

Lana meets some students who have created a Kryptonite drug that allows someone to linger near death and speak with her dead parents. This injection has made Lana something like a desperate junkie.

In Tom Welling's directorial debut, horrible things happen to the people who take care of a little girl named Maddie who has the power to shatter glass. But is Maddie the culprit - or is it someone else?

Lex and Lana begin to get closer in this episode.

A mysterious man tries to get revenge against Lionel Luthor, and puts him through a series of tests. These tests also put Martha Kent in serious danger.

Episode #5-20
Written By: Turi Meyer & Al Septien
Directed By: Terrance O'Hara
Air Date: April 27, 2006
Guest Stars: Alexander Scarlis (Graham Garrett)

Trailer Screencaps
Triplet's Review

Clark saves the life of a young man who turns out to be a hired killer with chameleon powers that render him invisible. This man, Graham, tries to give Clark whatever he wants - including the opportunity to be with Lana again. In order to reach this goal, he tries to kill Lex Luthor.

Jonathan Kent appears to Clark on his birthday and instructs him that he needs to kill Lionel Luthor.

Lionel comes clean to Martha about his knowledge of Clark's secret, and some of his scribblings are revealed to announce that the "Vessel of Zod" is coming...

Episode #5-22
Written By: Kelly Souders & Brian Peterson
Directed By: James Marshall
Air Date: May 11, 2006
Guest Stars: James Marsters (Prof. Fine), Terence Stamp (Voice of Jor-El)
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