16 U.S. Code § 4103 - Apportionment

(a) Time when apportionments made

Funds appropriated under section 4107(a)[1] of this title shall be apportioned by the Secretary among the States on October 1 of each fiscal year, or as soon thereafter as practicable.

(b) Apportionment formula

The amount of funds apportioned to each State shall be determined by the Secretary as the ratio which the equally weighted average of the volume and value of fishery resources harvested by domestic commercial fishermen and received within such State during the 3 most recent calendar years for which data satisfactory to the Secretary are available bears to the total equally weighted average of the volume and value of all fishery resources harvested by domestic commercial fishermen received within all of the States during those calendar years.

(c) Limitations


No State may receive an apportionment under subsection (b) for either fiscal year 1987 or fiscal year 1988 which is less than one-half of one percent of the total amount of funds available for that fiscal year.


For any fiscal year after fiscal year 1988, no State that, under the apportionment formula in subsection (b), has a ratio of one-third of one percent or higher may receive an apportionment for any fiscal year which is less than one percent of the total amount of funds available for that fiscal year.

(3) For any fiscal year after fiscal year 1988, no State may receive an apportionment under this section for any fiscal year if that State’s ratio under the apportionment formula in subsection (b) is less than one-third of one percent, unless the State


is signatory to an interstate fishery compact;


borders one or more of the Great Lakes; or


has entered into an interstate cooperative fishery management agreement and has in effect an interstate fisheries management or interstate fisheries research program.


No State that, under the apportionment formula in subsection (b), has a ratio of less than one-third of one percent and meets any of the requirements set forth in paragraph (1)(A), (B), (C), or (D) may receive an apportionment for any fiscal year which is less than one-half of one percent of the total amount of funds available for apportionment for such fiscal year.


No State may receive an apportionment for any fiscal year under this section which is more than 6 percent of the total amount of funds available for apportionment for such fiscal year.

(d) Unused apportionmentsAny part of an apportionment for any fiscal year to any State


that is not obligated during that year;


with respect to which the State notifies the Secretary that it does not wish to receive that part; or

may not be considered to be apportioned to that State and shall be added to such funds as are appropriated pursuant to section 4107(a)1 of this title for the next fiscal year (and shall be treated as having been appropriated for such next year) for apportionment under subsection (a). Any notification or return of funds referred to in paragraph (2) or (3) by a State is irrevocable.