
inquisitive | meaning of inquisitive in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishinquisitivein‧quis‧i‧tive /ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv/ adjective    1 FIND OUTasking too many questions and trying to find out too many details about something or someone  I’d have asked more questions, but I didn’t want to seem inquisitive.2 INTERESTEDinterested in a lot of different things and wanting to find out more about them  a cheerful, inquisitive little boy  an inquisitive mindinquisitively adverb  He peeped inquisitively into the drawer.inquisitiveness noun [uncountable]Examples from the CorpusinquisitiveThe kids were wide-eyed and inquisitive.Jenny was a very inquisitive child, always asking "why?"a bright, inquisitive childDon't be so inquisitive - it makes people uncomfortable.The crowded room was filled with lights, cameras, and inquisitive reporters.