Legion of Mary Forms, Catholic Books, Publications, and Resources
Resources Home
Resources available are grouped as follows:
- Policy - These include policies by the Concillium, Arlington Regia, and Tidewater Curia that are published on this site.
- Forms - This includes several types of forms:
- forms used by Officers (such as the President's Worksheet, Secretary Template, Vice President's Books, Supply Order Forms, etc)
- forms turned into the Curia (annual report template, praesidium audit form, new officer nomination form, etc).
- forms used by the Tidewater Curia (i.e. praesidium visitation form)
- forms used internally by praesidia (i.e. praesidium self assessment form, callback/follow-up form)
- Flyers - These are mainly flyers that can be used for recruiting or in place of literature, such as flyers describing the Rosary Confraternity
- Handouts - These are informative handout that are helpful for praesidia and legionaries such as handouts describing officer duties, how to perform works, etc.
- Allocutios - Allocutios and summaries of allocutios.
- Pictures - These are images that are available for download, printing, etc
- MP3s - These are audio downloads, such as the Legion of Mary Prayers, talks on the Legion of Mary, etc.
- Books - Catholic books such as Can We Be Saints
- Special -- other items that do not fall into any of the above groups