LIST Technology AG - Swiss-made industrial KneaderReactors

LIST Technology AG, Berstelstrasse 23, 4422 Arisdorf Switzerland

LIST KneaderReactor Technology is a key technology for optimizing processes in high viscosity technology.

The use of LIST KneaderReactor Technology is focused especially on industrial processes that operate without the use of solvents in the concentrated phase.

LIST KneaderReactor Technology stands for maximum process reliability, high product consistency and optimal system availability.

LIST KneaderReactor Technology is a key technology for optimizing processes in high viscosity technology.

The LIST Kneader enters the Lab
High viscosity processing is challenging. Laboratory capabilities are limited.
Development takes time. Time is not available. Project risks increase.

LIST develops and manufactures kneaders to optimize industrial processes.

We are focusing on processes that operate without the use of solvents, or processing in the concentrated phase to lower energy costs, material costs and production costs.

We develop and industrialize innovative solutions for the chemical, fiber, polymer, rubber, food, oil, gas, recycling, recovery, food, nutrition, agriculture, energy, paint, coatings industries that are setting new standards for modern, efficient and sustainable processing.