Necho II - Livius

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Necho II: pharaoh of the Saite dynasty, ruler of Egypt from 610 to 595.

Portrait of a pharaoh of the Saite dynasty
Portrait of a pharaoh of the Saite dynasty

Egyptian names: Wehemibra Nekau

Successor of: Psammetichus I


Main deeds

  • 610: Accession; Necho inherits a war against Babylonia, in which Egypt supports Assyria
  • 609: Intervention in Palestine; meeting with king Josiah of Judah in Megiddo or battle against Josiah;note Judah and the Phoenician towns become Egyptian tributaries
  • Necho builds his HQs at Riblah on the Orontes, supporting the Assyrian king Aššur-Uballit II.note
  • War in Syria.note
  • 605: Nebuchadnezzar defeats Necho near Karchemish.note
  • 601: Babylonian attack on Egypt repelled
  • 597: Loss of Judah; Jerusalem is captured by the Babylonians
  • 595: Death of Necho II; he is succeeded by his son Psammetichus II
  • Without known date: first circumnavigation of Africa.note
  • Necho's names are sometimes erazed from his monuments, which may signify that his foreign policy was seen as a failure; his successor refrained from foreign interventions


  • According to Herodotus,note Necho started to build a canal between the Nile and the Red Sea (finished by Darius I the Great)
  • An ancient Hyksos fortress at Pithom was rebuilt
  • Continued building activity at the temple of Neith in Sais

Succeeded by: Psammetichus II