Demise of the Siberian Plume |

The Siberian flood-volcanic province represents the
largest subaerial volcanic event known, although the
original volume of more ancient events is difficult
to determine because of erosion. Considering the coeval,
mafic volcanic and intrusive formations known on the
Siberian Platform, the Taymyr Peninsula, and the Western
Siberian Lowlands, Masaitis (1983) estimated their
volume to be ~ 4 x 106 km3,
originally extending over ~7 million km2
(see Figure 1). Reichow et al. (2002) recently
confirmed that the extensive, buried basalts in the
Western Siberian Lowlands are coeval with the basalts
on the platform. Taking into consideration their studies
of the Noril’sk and Maymecha-Kotuy areas, where
the lava/tuff sequences approach 3500 m and 3000 m,
respectively, with much of the sequence in the Maymecha-Kotuy
area considered to be younger than most of the sequence
at Noril’sk, Fedorenko & Czamanske
(1997) estimated a combined maximal thickness of ~
6500 meters.
The Geologic Record
of the Sedimentary Sequence
Siberian flood-volcanic rocks are underlain almost
everywhere by terrigenous, coal-bearing sedimentary
rocks of the Tungusskaya Series, which is Middle Carboniferous
to Upper Permian in age and commonly ranges in thickness
from 100 - 150 m to 1400 m. As reviewed in Czamanske
et al. (1998), systematic studies of paleogeographic
and paleotectonic conditions during Tungusskaya Series
accumulation indicate that its deposition was accompanied
by well-balanced subsidence throughout the area occupied
by well-developed, flood-volcanic sequences. The surrounding
territories, which experienced denudation and fed
this accumulation, subsequently experienced little
or no flood-volcanic activity. The Permian rocks of
the Tungusskaya Series include many of shallow-water,
lagoonal character, including abundant coal beds.
Indeed, these abundant coal beds (more than 24 of
economic import, and as much as 36 m thick) have led
to the suggestion that the sedimentary sequence immediately
underlying the flood-volcanic sequence constitutes
the greatest coal basin in the world. Pronounced inheritance
from the mid-Cretaceous onward is observed in the
evolution of the areas of accumulation and denudation,
with no reorganization in the Late Permian that can
be ascribed to the influence of a mantle plume (see
Figures 2 - 6 in Czamanske et al., 1998).
Because the Siberian flood-basalt sequence is thickest
(3500 - 4000 m) and most complex in the Noril'sk and
Maymecha-Kotuy areas, along the northern margin of
the Siberian platform (e.g., Fedorenko et al.,
1996; Fedorenko & Czamanske, 1997), it
is particularly appropriate to look for evidence of
a plume head in these areas. However, the first of
these areas experienced even more subsidence in the
Late Permian than in the Middle to Late Carboniferous
or Early Permian, whereas the second area was subsiding
continually over the entire time (see Figures 2 -
4 in Czamanske et al., 1998).
The Geologic Record
of the Sedimentary/Volcanic Interface
The coal-bearing sequence is closely tied to the
overlying volcanic sequence, as evidenced by the common
presence of volcanic material in the uppermost units
of the Tungusskaya Series and the lateral replacement
of some sedimentary strata by the Ivakinsky volcanic
suite. On the other hand, the volcanic sequence may
overlie different Upper Paleozoic strata, down to
the Carboniferous. The depth of the erosional break
varies, but may reach a few hundred meters. This break
was not an exceptional event. On a lesser scale (as
much as 50 m) erosion occurred more than once during
accumulation of the Tungusskaya Series. In the best-studied,
Noril’sk area, the Tungusskaya Series is subdivided
into six suites, each of which is separated by erosional
breaks of irregular distribution. However, the broader
scale paleogeographic maps (Figures 2 - 6 in Czamanske
et al., 1998) show that those breaks did not
disturb the general regime of sedimentation during
Tungusskaya time.
Uneven mapping does not allow systematic description
of the sedimentary/volcanic interface throughout the
entire Siberian platform. The two best studied regions
are the Noril’sk area and the northwest side
of the Anabar-Olenyok anteclise. Detailed study of
sections along the northwest side of the Anabar-Olenyok
anteclise suggests that variations in depth of erosion
are related to flat-platform (synorogenic) folding
of the coal-bearing sediments at the boundary of the
Paleozoic and Mesozoic (Gurevitch et al.,
1984). This led to stratigraphic unconformity and
sometimes (in the Kayak coal deposit on the Kotuy
River) to a shallow-angle disconformity between the
coal-bearing and volcanic sequence (Figure 7 in Czamanske
et al., 1998). The width of the folds is 30 -
80 km, their amplitude as much as 300 m, and their
axes close to E-W, judging from boreholes south of
the Kheta River, where the entire, Upper Paleozoic
sequence consists only of C2-3 sedimentary
rocks, 100 - 130 m thick. The total amplitude of this
uplift is estimated as 300 - 500 m over at most several
hundred square kilometers, an amplitude comparable
to that of local folds within it.
Similar folding probably occurred northwest of the
Tunguska basin, in the Noril'sk area. The most complete
stratigraphic section of the Tungusskaya Series (as
much as 400 m) is known there in the Kayerkan coal
deposit. There the uppermost Ambarninsky Suite, belonging
to the Degalinsky horizon of the Upper Permian has
a thickness of ~ 70 m and is composed of interlayers
(0.1 to 10 - 15 cm thick) of fine-grained, tuff-sandstones
and sideritized tuffs. A few kilometers to the west,
the Ambarninsky Suite disappears from the sequence,
and several tens of kilometers to west, the entire
Tungusskaya Series is only 20 m thick. Judging from
lithology, this 20-m-thick section represents the
lowermost units of the series. Approximately 50 km
west of the Kayerkan deposit, the entire Upper Paleozoic
sequence and the 2 - 3 lower-most suites of the volcanic
sequence disappear from the stratigraphic section.
The erosion break and uplift was not less than 400
- 500 m there, but it can be more readily connected
to Late Hercynian folding and regional uplift in the
Ural - West Siberian province (e.g., Fotiadi,
1967) than to evolution of the Siberian platform with
its coal-bearing and flood-volcanic sequences.
Geologic Record of the Volcanic Sequence
Uneven exposure and detail of mapping preclude reconstruction
of tectonic and paleogeographic conditions during accumulation
of the volcanic sequence for the entire Siberian platform
(Figure 1). However, the volcanic sequence (as thick
as 3500 m) which covers more than half of the ~ 50,000
km2 Noril'sk area is exceptionally well documented
(e.g., Wooden et al., 1993; Fedorenko et
al., 1996). These volcanic rocks have been carefully
mapped everywhere by several generations of geologists
since the 1940s and 1950s, and hundreds of holes drilled
for metal exploration passed through the volcanic sequence
and into the underlying Tungusskaya Series. Fedorenko
(1979, 1991) summarized the results of this intensive
study, considering tectonic and paleogeographic implications
with respect to the volcanic activity. Additional data
were presented by Fedorenko et al. (1996).
The volcanic sequence can be conveniently mapped as
lava packets composed of simple flows of relatively
uniform lithologic and chemical composition, tens to
a few hundreds of meters thick, interlayered with ~
30 layers of tuff and volcanic agglomerate. The tuff
layers range from tens of centimeters to 100 m in thickness
and compose ~ 10% of the overall, volcanic pile. Many
of the lava packets and tuff layers can be traced through
almost the entire area, with little variation in thickness
and composition (e.g., Fedorenko et al., 1996,
Figure 5 in their paper). One tuff layer, located ~
400 m above base of the sequence is 15 – 25 m
thick over ~ 30,000 km2. Interestingly, the
volcanic sequence shows less stratigraphic variability
than many of the sedimentary sequences, including the
Tungusskaya Series.
In the entire Noril'sk area, only one small erosional
break of only few meters has been recognized, ~ 1400
m above the base of the sequence. In addition, only
a single example of small-scale weathering has been
seen, ~ 50 m below this erosional break. Thus, the entire
area experienced balanced subsidence over the entire
period during which the volcanic sequence accumulated.
The distribution of the lava and tuff units shows that
they accumulated on a relatively flat plain. The presence
of aquatic fauna in tuffs of the lower 1100 m of the
volcanic sequence shows that these tuffs accumulated
in shallow-water lakes or lagoons, in paleogeographic
conditions similar to those which prevailed during deposition
of the Tungusskaya Series. Subaerial conditions prevailed
during deposition of the upper part of the volcanic
sequence, as shown by the fact that aquatic fauna disappeared.
A terrestrial dinosaur skeleton was found ~ 1900 m above
the base of the sequence (Distler & Kunilov,
1994; Fedorenko et al., 1996). This paleontological
evidence of the change from aquatic to subaerial conditions
is supported by geochemical data relating to the oxidation
state of the tuffs. The ratio Fe2O3/(FeO+Fe2O3)
in the tuffs changes from 0.16 at the base of the sequence,
to 0.39 - 0.43 at 400 - 500 m, 0.51 - 0.64 at 700 -
1800 m, and 0.88 - 0.87 in the upper part of the sequence,
some 2000 - 3200 m from its base (Fedorenko,
Isopach maps were prepared by Fedorenko (1979)
for the main lava packets in the lower 1800 m of the
volcanic sequence of the Noril'sk area (e.g., Naldrett
et al., 1992, their Figure 5; Wooden et al.,
1993, their Figure 3). They show that recent positive
structures in the Noril’sk area are post-volcanic
in age and were not present during accumulation of the
volcanic sequence. In fact, it was concluded that no
positive tectonic structures were present in the area
during the entire duration of volcanic activity. Successive
groups of volcanic suites can be related to a series
of depressions that migrated across the area with time
(Fedorenko, 1979). Fedorenko et al.
(1996) reasoned that these volcanic depressions were
a surficial response to the draining of intermediate-level,
crustal magma chambers.
The lower part of the volcanic sequence, ~ 1800 m thick
and composed mainly of lava flows at Noril'sk, grades
laterally to the east (in the Maymecha-Kotuy area, see
Figure 1) into a suite ~ 350 m thick in which tuffs
predominate (Fedorenko & Czamanske, 1997).
However, the overall, paleogeographic evolution revealed
in the tuffaceous suite is the same as that for the
correlative volcanic pile at Noril'sk. Aquatic fauna
are found in the lower part of the tuff suite, but not
in the upper part (Shikhorina, 1970). Likely,
the decrease in thickness and the replacment of lavas
by tuffs, with progression from the Noril'sk area to
the Maymecha-Kotuy area, is not evidence for relative
uplift but has a petrogenetic/tectonic basis. It would
appear that during this early part of the volcanic history,
extensive, intermediate magma chambers evolved and drained
beneath the Noril’sk area, but not to the northeast
(Fedorenko & Czamanske, 1997).
The extremely high rate of the balanced subsidence
that accompanied Siberian volcanism (estimated as locally
more than 3500 m in 1 m.y.; Lind et al., 1994;
Kamo et al., 2000,
2003) may represent subsidence maintained by draining
mafic magma from intermediate chambers in the crust. |
The Case for Convective
Partial Melting
Because surficial uplift in response to thermal expansion
is a necessary consequence of the arrival of anomalously
hot, plume-related material in the upper mantle, the
geologic record shows conclusively that Siberian flood-volcanic
volcanism was not plume related. Rather, we consider
this extensive kimberlitic and flood-volcanic magmatism
to represent convective, partial melting released
by lithospheric shear and related, local extension.
Many workers feel that only a mantle plume can explain
the huge volumes and high rates of eruption that characterize
flood-volcanic provinces, and have embraced the mantle-plume
model to explain their geochemical evolution. Earlier,
we considered the model of Griffiths & Campbell
(1991) attractive for providing large volumes of magma
in a brief interval of time (e.g., Wooden et al.,
1993; Arndt et al., 1993). This mantle-plume
model has now been admitted by its proponents to require
significant modification to explain the rates and
volumes of flood-volcanic eruption (Cordery et
al., 1997). Cordery et al. (1997) do
not discuss convective partial melting (Mutter
et al., 1988; King & Anderson, 1995)
as a mechanism for the genesis of flood basalts or
the explanation of Arndt et al. (1993) for
the geochemical characteristics of continental flood-basalt
(CFB) sequences. In fact, the plume-head model is,
however, increasingly unable to account for the observations
(e.g., Anderson, 1999).
The geologic record in north-central Siberia is clearly
at variance with any mantle-plume model, as the thermal
anomaly associated with the existence of anomously
hot, plume-related material in the upper mantle requires
regional uplift (for reviews of such models see, for
example, Anderson et al., 1992a or Coffin
& Eldholm, 1994). The numerical modeling
of Farnetani & Richards (1994) predicts
precusory uplifts of 2 - 4 km sustained over tens
of millions of years, for a plume head of 400-km radius
with a initial excess temperature of 350°C. A
cooler plume head would cause less uplift. Lack of
surface uplift also has been documented for the voluminous
volcanic activity in East Greenlend (Larsen &
Marcussen, 1992). The latter situation, with
its extensive development of basaltic sills and flood-volcanic
rocks seems particularly comparable to Siberia except
for the fact that extension in this area continued
to the present day about the mid-Atlantic ridge. As
a result, the Iceland
large igenous province is still continuing to form.
King & Anderson (1995):
argue that "... it is not
an accident that CFB provinces occur next to Archons,
the thickest lithosphere on Earth",
note that "...asymmetric
lithosphere provides a natural method for bringing
up deeper and hotter material and provides the space
for melting", and
"... attribute the variety
of basalt types, degree of evolution, and the time
of sequence of eruption, to the various depths swept
out by the upwellings at the lithospheric, asymmetry
boundary ..."
These and other authors suggest the existence of
convecting, hot cells and have noted that normal mantle
geothermal and melting curves are such that partial
melting is the normal state for much of the upper
Increasingly, authors are concluding that geologic
fact is often at variance with all but the most fanciful
modifications of mantle-plume theory. Bailey
(1992), in discussion of episodic, alkaline igneous
activity across Africa,
concluded that the well-established periodicity and
repetitive occurrence of alkaline magmatism at many
locales across the entire African continent must rule
out random, sub-lithospheric plumes as the generative
mechanism. Rather, he concluded that lithospheric
anisotropy controls this anorogenic activity, which
is often contemporaneous and plate-wide,. The lithosphere
acts as a template for the periodic release of mass
and heat in response to external events which affected
the whole plate. McHone (1996) concluded
that one or even several, deep-mantle plumes do not
provide a satisfactory mechanism for producing the
Cretaceous alkaline rocks of northeastern North America
and the adjacent western Atlantic (the "CAMP"
province). Rather, the geologic evidence calls for
widespread, heterogeneous source areas in the mantle,
which produced magmas in concert with tectonic re-activation
of lithospheric structures. Smith (1992)
discussed the Columbia River Basalts
in terms of a back-arc-convection model, and numerous
other authors have proposed models for various “hotspots”
and large igneous provinces that do not involve mantle
plumes. Several of these (e.g., Sykes, 1978;
Holbrook & Keleman, 1993; Zehnder
et al., 1990; Giret & Lameyre, 1995)
have focused on the long duration (i.e., re-occurrence)
of magmatism in many provinces and on the clear relation
of within-plate magmatism to zones of lithospheric
Siberian kimberlites and alkaline-ultramafic
rocks have a close relation to the Anabar-Olenyok anteclise
and the Anabar shield. The Siberian kimberlites of this
region range in age from 485 to 150 Ma (Davis et
al., 1980; Komarov & Ilupin, 1990).
Alkaline-ultramafic rocks of the Maymecha-Kotuy area
of the Siberian flood-volcanic province are of exactly
the same age as the flood-volcanic rocks of the Noril’sk
area (Kamo et al., 2000,
2003). Among Siberian magmatic rocks, the alkaline-ultramafic
magmas, especially the meymechites, show the greatest
geochemical resemblance to kimberlites; both originated
at great depth and extreme temperatures (e.g., Sobolev
et al., 1972; Arndt et al., 1995), consistent
with derivation from beneath the craton.
On the basis of tomography, Zhang & Tanimoto
(1993) show that the Siberian craton is charaterized
by an unusually thick, high-velocity anomaly and a root
depth approaching 350 km. Anderson et al. (1992a,
b) note that although the Siberian flood-volcanic province
is relatively old, shear velocities determined from
tomography reveal no evidence for the thermo-mechanical
trauma expected from the arrival of a plume head at
~ 251 Ma. Zorin & Vladimirov (1989) interpret
super-deep seismic data to indicate that the lithosphere
is presently 180 - 200 km thick beneath the Tunguska
basin and conclude that it was of comparable thickness
in the Late Permian. In their calculations, they point
out that the mean heat flow on the craton (38 - 40 mW
m-2) is similar to values for other ancient
cratons and close to the minimum heat flow of continents.
Such values argue that anomalously hot material was
not emplaced by a mantle plume ~ 250 Ma.
Sengor et al. (1993) presented a detailed
picture of continuous, orogenic interaction between
the Angara (Siberian) and Eastern European (Baltica)
cratons between the Vendian (latest Pre-Cambrian) and
the Permian. In contrast to classic collisional orogens,
they propose that the belt separating Baltica and Siberia
(the Altaids) consists of subduction-accretion complexes
which they judged to have added ~ 5.3 million km2
of material to Asia, possibly half of which was of juvenile
origin. From the Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian
the dominant movement was right-lateral shear. Considering
the ongoing disruption and strike-slip faulting involved
in the evolution of the Altaids, the episodic kimberlitic
activity which so clearly relates to the Anabar shield
can be readily understood as representing small melt
fractions released from deep beneath the craton through
minor, lithospheric, stress fractures. Sengor et
al. (1993) suggested that the onset of voluminous,
Siberian flood volcanism may have been related to the
reversal from right-lateral shear to left-lateral shear
between Baltica and Siberia. This, the last act of Altaid
evolution during the Paleozoic, was associated with
numerous extensions peripheral to the Siberian craton.
Boreholes in the Western Siberian lowlands (west of
the Yenisey River) indicate that basalts of Siberian
flood-basalt age (e.g., Gurevitch et al. 1995;
Reichow et al., 2002), and as much as 1150
m thick, occur under younger cover over an area of ~
0.75 million km2 (Zhuralev, 1986).
Following those such as Mutter et al. (1988),
Bailey (1992), Smith (1993), King
& Anderson (1995) and Anderson (1989,
1996) we favor models involving "top-down"
lithospheric control for the genesis of large igneous
provinces. Arguments for re-evaluation of the classic,
deep-mantle plume model (e.g., Griffiths & Campbell,
1991; Cordery et al., 1997) are presented by
Anderson (1998), Courtillet et al.
(1999 ) and Tanton & Hager (2000). If the
upper mantle is partially molten and enriched (Anderson,
1996), then only slight extension in the lithosphere
is needed to allow intrusion and extrusion, and magma
ascent will be focused at lithospheric discontinuities
(King & Anderson, 1995). This can explain
the correlation between CFBs and cratons. The presence
of pre-existing shear, associated with inevitable local
extension, and the absence of uplift or heat-flow evidence
for a thermal anomaly strongly favor a convective, partial-melting
explanation (Mutter et al., 1988; King
& Anderson, 1995) over a plume explanation
for Siberian flood volcanism. The necessary extensional
stresses probably relate to plate reorganization and
changes in boundary conditions (Bailey, 1992;
Anderson, 1994). Other geophysical arguments
against the plume-head hypothesis are summarized in
Anderson et al. (1992a, b).
Clearly the remarks of Renne et al. (1995)
regarding "... the large-scale dynamics of the
starting plume head that caused (emphasis ours)
the Siberian flood volcanism" and the ensuing discussion
(with reference to Farnetani & Richards,
1994) concerning aspects of the supposed kilometer-scale
uplift associated with the presumed plume, take no cognizance
of the geologic reality outlined herein and known in
less detail for decades (e.g., Krasnov et al.,
1966; Malich, 1975). A far less extreme example
is that provided by the paper of Duncan et al.
(1997). Their Figure 6, in combination with their discussion,
would imply a significant plume contribution to magmas
erupted contemporaneously across 45° of latitude!
In passing, they themselves note, with discussion, that
"Indeed, compositional aspects of the province
are often more compatible with a subduction rather than
a plume source." Finally, in their discussion of
the interaction of plume heads with Earth's surface,
Griffiths & Campbell (1991, their Figure
13) show the cell-like structures evident in the Siberian
flood-volcanic province and suggest them to be a possible
example of plume-head instability, rather than recognizing
that the region had been one of steady subsidence.
Although it is beyond the scope of this webpage to
present all the details, the data appear to be in hand
to develop an in-depth, non-plume, geophysical and geochemical
model for Siberian flood volcanism (e.g., Tanton
& Hager, 2000). The geochemical nature of the
volcanism is as well documented as that for any continental
flood-volcanic province (see references cited herein
by Fedorenko & Czamanske and their references)
and the temporal framework is established as < 1
m.y for the bulk of Siberian flood volcanism and mafic
intrusive activity, based on U-Pb geochronology (Kamo
et al., 1996, 2000,
2003). |
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Personal contributions to Siberian volcanism
Wooden, J. L., Czamanske, G.
K., Bouse, R. M., Knight, R. J., and Budahn, J.
R. (1992) Pb isotopic data indicate a complex, mantle
origin for the Noril'sk-Talnakh ores, Siberia.
Econ. Geol., 87, 1153-1165.
Campbell, I. H., Czamanske, G.
K., Fedorenko, A., Hill, R. I., and Stepanov, (1992)
Synchronisn of the Siberian Traps and the Permian-Triassic
boundary. Science, 258,
Wooden, J. L., Czamanske, G.
K., Fedorenko, A., Arndt, N. T., Chauvel, C., Bouse,
R. M., King, Bi-S. W., Knight, R. J., and Siems,
D. F. (1993) Isotopic and trace-element characterization
of the Siberian continental flood basalts of the
Noril'sk area. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta,
57, 3677-3704.
Arndt, N. T., Wooden, J. L.,
Czamanske, G. K., and Fedorenko, A. (1993) Mantle
and crustal contributions to continental flood volcanism.
Tectonophysics, 223, 39-52.
Czamanske, G. K., Wooden, J.
L., Zientek, M. L., Fedorenko, A., Zen'ko, T. E.,
King, Bi-S. W., Knight, R. J., and Siems, D. F.
(1994) Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the
petrogenesis of the Noril'sk-Talnakh ore-forming
system. Ontario Geological Survey Special Volume
5, 313-342.
Zen'ko, T. E. and Czamanske,
G. K. (1994) Spatial and petrologic aspects of the
intrusions of the Noril'sk-Talnakh ore junctions,
Siberia. Ontario Geological Survey Special Volume
5, 263-282.
Walker, R. J., Morgan, J. W.,
Horan, M. F., Czamanske, G. K., Krogstad, E. J.,
Fedorenko, A., and Kunilov, E. (1994) Re-Os-isotopic
evidence for an enriched-mantle source for the Noril'sk-type,
ore-bearing intrusions, Siberia. Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta., 58, 4179-4197.
Lind, E. N., Kropotov, S. V.,
Czamanske, G. K., Grommé, S. C., and Fedorenko,
A. (1994) Paleomagnetism of the Siberian flood basalts
of the Noril'sk area: A constraint on eruption duration.
Int. Geol. Rev., 36, 1139-1150.
Dalrymple, B. G., Czamanske,
G. K., Fedorenko, A., Simonov, O. N., Lanphere,
M. A., and Likhachev, A. P. (1995) A reconnaisance
40Ar/39Ar geochronological
study of ore-bearing and related rocks, Siberian
Russia. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 59,
Czamanske, G. K., Zen'ko, T.
E., Fedorenko, A., Calk, L. C., Budahn, J. R., King,
Bi-S. W., and Siems, D. F. (1995) Petrographic and
geochemical characterization of ore-bearing intrusions
of the Noril'sk type, Siberia; with discussion of
their origin. Resource Geology Special Issue,
No. 18, Soc. Resource Geology, Tokyo, Japan,
p. 1-48.
Horan, M. F., Walker, R. J.,
Czamanske, G. K., and Fedorenko, A. (1995) Os and
Nd isotopic constraints on the temporal and spatial
evolution of flood-basalt sources, Siberia. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 59, 5159-5168.
Kamo, S. L., Czamanske, G. K.,
and Krogh, T. E., 1996, A minimum U-Pb age for Siberian
flood-basalt volcanism: Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta, 60, 3505-3511.
Fedorenko, A., Lightfoot, P.
C., Naldrett, A. J., Czamanske, G. K., Hawkesworth,
C. J., Wooden, J. L., and Ebel, D. S., 1996, Petrogenesis
of the Siberian flood-basalt sequence at Noril’sk.
Int. Geol. Rev., 38, 99-135.
Fedorenko, A., and Czamanske,
G. K. (1997) Results of new field and geochemical
studies of the volcanic and intrusive rocks of the
Maymecha-Kotuy area, Siberian flood-basalt province,
Russia. Int. Geol. Rev., 39,
Arndt, N., Chauvel, C., Czamanske,
G., and Fedorenko, V. (1998) Two mantle sources,
two plumbing systems: tholeiitic and alkaline magmatism
of the Maymecha River basin, Siberian flood volcanic
province. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 133,
Czamanske, G. K., Gurevich, A.
B., Fedorenko, V., and Simonov, O. (1998) Demise
of the Siberian plume: paleogeographic and paleotectonic
reconstruction from the prevolcanic and volcanic
records, North-Central Siberia. Int. Geol. Rev.,
40, 95-115.
Kamo, S. L., Czamanske, G. K.,
Amelin, Y., Fedorenko, A., and Trofimov, R. (2000)
U-Pb zircon and baddeleyite, and U-Th-Pb perovskite
ages for Siberian flood volcanism, Maymecha-Kotuy
area, Siberia: Goldschmidt 2000, Oxford, U.K.,
"An International Conference for Geochemistry"
European Association for Geochemistry and the Geochemical
Society, J. Conf. Abs., 5,
Fedorenko, V., Czamanske, G.,
Zen’ko, T., Budahn, J., and Siems, D. (2000)
Field and geochemical studies of the melilite-bearing
Arydzhangsky Suite, and an overall perspective on
the Siberian alkaline-ultramafic flood-volcanic
rocks. Int. Geol. Rev., 42,
Czamanske, G. K., Wooden, J.
L., Walker, R. J., Fedorenko, A., Siminov, O. N.,
Budahn, J. R., and Siems, D. F. (2000) Geochemical,
isotopic, and SHRIMP age data for Precambrian basement
rocks, Permian volcanic rocks, and sedimentary host
rocks to the ore-bearing intrusions, Noril’sk-Talnakh
district, Siberian Russia. Int. Geol. Rev.,
42, 895-927.
Arndt, N. T., Czamanske, G. K.,
Walker, R. J., Chauvel, C., and Fedorenko, A. (2003)
Geochemistry and origin of the intrusive hosts of
the Noril’sk-Talnakh Cu-Ni-PGE sulfide deposits,
Econ. Geol., 98, 495-515.
Kamo, S. L., Czamanske, G. K.,
Amelin, Y., Fedorenko, A., Davis, D. W., and Trofimov,
R. (2003) Rapid
eruption of Siberian flood-volcanic rocks and evidence
for coincidence with the Permian-Triassic boundary,
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 214,
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