warships, submarines, uboats, passenger liners, sailing ships, fishing vessels, cargo ships, merchant ships, ship database

  • ️Michael Pocock


Author /Contributor

Dirk H. R. Spennemann &
Murray Parker


Army and Navy Uniforms and Insignia 1918

Col. Dion Williams, USMC

Badges and Their Meaning

George Philip & Sons Ltd.


Countermeasures Against Suicide Planes

May 1945 U.S. Navy


Coronation Review of the Fleet
(Spithead 20 May 1937)

Courtesy of David Butler, RN

Depth Charge Pocket Book (BR 1063)

Admiralty Sept. 1944


Flags, Badges and Arms of the British
Dominions Beyond The Seas Part 1 & 2

H.M. Stationery Office

Four Years Against Hitler

Alfred Rosenbaum
(Fratured in the Press & Journal)


German Army and Navy Uniforms and Insignia

U.S. Government


Historical Roll of Women Awarded The
Military Medal During The Great War

Lt. Cdr. John Henry Leslie, RN


Hitler Speaks

Dr. Hermann Rauschnig
(Featured in The Telegraph)


Identification of The World's Military, Naval
and Air Uniforms, Insignia and Flags 1943

Military Service Publishing Co.

International Code of Signals 2003

National Imagery and Mapping


Japanese Methods of Prisoner of War

G.H.Q. Supreme Commander For
The Allied Powers


Korean War Crimes Report

Korean War Crimes Div.


HMS Formidable

Andrew W. Ramsey

HMS Concord Association


Life Under The Nazi Conquerors

By Michael Sobanski

Loyal and Steadfast The Story of H.M.S. Consort

H.M.S. Consort Association


Memories and Records Vol. 1

Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher

Memories and Records Vol. 2

Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher

Military and Naval Recognition Book 1917

Lt. J. W. Bunkley, USN

Military and Naval Recognition Book 1918

Lt. Cdr. J. W. Bunkley, USN

Military and Naval Recognition Book 1943

RADM J. W. Bunkley, USN (Ret.)

My Memoirs Vol. 1

Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz

My Memoirs Vol. 2

Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz

Nelson's Flagship

Geoffrey Callender


New List of all the Vessels of Her Majesties
Royal Navy (1710)



Pocket Guide of Uniform Insignia

Special Service Div. U.S. Army

Rank and Badges in the Navy, Army, RAF
and Auxiliaries 1943

George Philip & Sons, London

Rank at a Glance in the Army and Navy

George Philip & Sons, London

Ship' Badges of His Majesty's Royal Navies

Guita Percha & Rubber Ltd.

Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet (1941)

James C. Fahey
(Courtesy of Vladimir Tarnovski)


Submarines of the World's Navies (1911)

Charles W. Domville-Fife


Stalin Unmasked

Eugene Lyons, San Antonio Light

Trafalgar Roll (Names of all officers of the
Royal Navy and Royal Marines at Trafalgar)

Col. Robert H. MacKenzie, FSA


Uniforms and Insignia Foreign Navies 1941

U.S. Navy

Uniforms Decorations Medals and Badges of
the United States Navy 1941

U.S. Govt. Printing Office

Uniforms of the Chaplain Corps United States
Navy 1985

Cdr. H. Lawrence Martin, USN


What's Going On In Soviet Russia

Spencer Williams
(The Winnipeg Tribune)


Where Hitler Stands

A series of newspaper articles
by Wallace R. Deuel