Vendor Information | City of Melbourne, FL
- ️Mon Nov 09 2020
Departments » Financial Services » Procurement
Finding Current Solicitations
Vendors interested in current City solicitations may find information:
- Posted on a bulletin board in the Procurement Division at City Hall
- Posted electronically on Demandstar
Requests for Bids/Proposals are published in the Florida Today newspaper (legal ad section).
Methods of Purchase
Purchases of equipment, materials, supplies, and services are solicited in accordance with the following procurement thresholds:
- Small Purchase (up to $5,000) - Price quote(s) is/are obtained from department or divisional staff.
- Open Market Purchase ($5,000.01 to $15,000) - Informal written quotations are solicited by department or division staff from at least three (3) vendors.
- Formal Quotes (IFQ) ($15,000.01 to $35,000) - Formal quotations are solicited by Purchasing Division staff via
- Formal Invitations to Bid (ITB) / Requests for Proposals (RFP) ($35,000.01 and over) - Formal sealed bids (ITBs) and proposals (RFPs) are solicited by Purchasing Division staff via and require public notice, public opening and formal award.
Formal quotes and bids may be waived for:
- Purchase from governmental entity (piggyback)
- Sole source procurement
- Emergency purchase when there exists a threat to public health, safety, or welfare
Local Preference Policy
“The City extends preference to those vendors, contractors, or service providers, who maintain a valid Local Business Tax Receipt, issued by either the City of Melbourne or Brevard County, at least one (1) year prior to bid submission; and, whose business address is located within the City limits of Melbourne or boundaries of Brevard County. A 5% preference is given to qualified City vendors and a 2% preference is given to qualified Brevard County vendors. Local bidders, whose bid is within 5% or 2% respectively, of the lowest responsive, responsible non-local bid, shall be given an opportunity to match the lowest bid pricing."