NORMA JEAN's New Song Is A Total Ripper! - Metal Injection
- ️@thegregkennelty
- ️Tue Jun 25 2013
Norma Jean's new song "If You Got It At Five, You Got It At Fifty" is way heavier than I thought it would be. Like, a lot heavier.
Earlier this month Norma Jean announced their new record Wrongdoers, and now we finally get to hear what doing wrong sounds like to the band!
That main riff is badass as fuck, but then again so is everything else about the song. Especially the octave down outro, because seriously- why not? Norma Jean seem to have stepped it right the hell up with this new release and gone straight for the jugular. The song doesn't rest once in its short 2-minute life-space, and that rules. it's just pissed off and stays pissed off… the best way possible. Watch out for the record on August 6 and stay tuned for me badass singles! I think!
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