International Cooperative Research

The Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics) is an international research centre situated in the German Black Forest. Leading experts from all over the world meet at the Institute in order to pursue their research activities, to discuss recent developments in their field with others, and to generate new ideas. The Institute is a member of the Leibniz Association and is funded jointly by the German federal government and the state governments. Read more about the Institute...


Newsletter 2025-I

The newsletter will inform you on the latest news and activities of the MFO, in particular with regard to open calls and upcoming scientific events at the Institute.

Call for proposals: MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop in September 2026

The Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics (MFO), Germany, and the Australian Mathematical Research Institute MATRIX invite proposals for a tandem workshop taking place simultaneously in a hybrid format at MATRIX and MFO in the week of 6-11 September 2026.

Travel support for US Oberwolfach Junior Fellows paused

(Updated 17 February 2025) NSF currently conducts a comprehensive review of their financial assistance programs to determine programs, projects and activities that may be implicated by the recent executive orders of the president of the USA. Therefore, the support by the grant DMS-2230648 (US Oberwolfach Junior Fellows) needs to be paused until the review is completed.

Seminars for early career researchers in 2025

Ph.D. students and postdocs are invited to apply for the Oberwolfach Seminars in 2025. The seminars are organized by leading experts in the field, and address to promising early career researchers from all over the world. The aim is to introduce the participants to a particular interesting development.