Milagro Foundation
Making A Difference in the Lives of Children
Through Health, Education, and the Arts
The Mission of Carlos Santana’s Milagro Foundation is to fund organizations that support under-resourced children in the areas of the arts, education and health.
We remain strongly committed to valuing diversity, equity and inclusivity. We stand in solidarity and show up for our Black, Asian, LatinX, Native American and LGBTQ communities by making grants that directly address the systemic problems around access to family health services, educational equity, and social justice.
As a Foundation that supports local, national, and international non-profits, we commit to ongoing listening and learning. By listening, learning, and acting, the Milagro Foundation hopes to create meaningful differences in the lives of children. As Maya Angelou wisely said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
Please stand with us in the movement for social justice.
The Milagro Foundation is a publicly supported foundation established by Carlos Santana and his family in 1998. Milagro benefits under-resourced children around the world by making grants to community based tax-exempt organizations that work with children in the areas of education, health and the arts.
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Our Newsletter463 ORGANIZATIONS
The community-based non-profit agencies that receive our grants directly help the local people they serve.
37 States / 20 Countries
From the United States to Africa and everywhere in between, we are making a difference around the world.
$9,827,729.00 Funded
Since its inception in 1998, the Milagro Foundation has given millions to deserving grantees.