Mineralogical Society of America - Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy and Material Sciences
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Volume 78: Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy and Material Sciences
Grant S. Henderson, Daniel R. Neuville and Robert T. Downs, editors
2014, i-xviii + 800 pages. ISBN13 978-0-939950-93-5
Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and radiation and spectroscopic methods measure this interaction by measuring the radiative energy of the interaction in terms of frequency or wavelength or their changes. A variety of spectroscopic methods saw their first applications in mineralogical studies in the early 1960s and 1970s and since then have flourished where today they are routinely employed to probe both the general nature of mineralogical and geochemical processes as well as more atom specific interactions. In 1988, a Reviews in Mineralogy volume (Volume 18) was published on Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy and Geology by Frank Hawthorne (ed). The volume introduced the reader to a variety of spectroscopic techniques that, up to that time, were relatively unknown to most of the mineralogical and geochemical community. The volume was a great success and resulted in many of these techniques becoming main stream research tools. Since 1988, there have been many significant advances in both the technological aspects of these techniques and their applications to problems in Earth Sciences in general while the range and breadth of the techniques currently employed have greatly expanded since those formative years. The current volume compliments the original volume and updates many of the techniques. In addition, new methods such as X-ray Raman and Brillouin spectroscopy have been added, as well as non-spectroscopic chapters such as Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) for completeness.
The first chapter by Lavina et al. introduces the reader to current X-ray diffraction methods, while those of Newville and Henderson et al. separately cover the widely used techniques of EXAFS and XANES. The new in situ high-pressure technique of X-ray Raman is covered in the chapter by Lee et al. There is an emphasis in all these chapters on synchrotron based methods which continues in the Luminescence chapter by Waychunas. Chapters on high resolution TEM and its associated spectroscopies, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy are covered by Brydson et al., and Nesbitt and Bancroft, respectively. The study of mineral surfaces by Atomic Force Microscopy has been covered by Jupille. UV/Vis and IR spectroscopies are described in the chapters by Rossman, Clark et al., Della Ventura et al., and Hofmeister. Rossman’s chapter covers the basics of UV/Vis while Clark et al. describes the detection of materials in the Solar system utilizing UV and IR methods. Synchrotron-based IR imaging is covered by Della Ventura et al. and errors and uncertainties associated with IR and UV/Vis data are covered in the chapter by Hofmeister. Photon/phonon interactions such as Raman and Brillouin are outlined by Neuville et al. and Speziale et al. The latter technique is relatively new outside the fields of condensed matter and minerals physics but is gaining increasing use as interest in elastic properties and anomalous behaviors at high pressure continues to grow. The chapters by Stebbins and Xue, and Pan and Nilges outline the current status of magnetic resonance methods such as NMR and EPR, respectively. Finally the last three chapters have been included for completeness and cover the basics of the theoretical simulations that are carried out to investigate phases beyond accessible experimental pressure-temperature ranges, as well as aiding in the interpretation of experimental spectra (Jahn and Kowalski), the high pressure methods that are now commonly employed for many spectroscopic studies (Shen and Wang) and finally a chapter on methods used in high-temperature melt and crystallization studies (Neuville et al.).
Grant S. Henderson, University of Toronto, Canada
Daniel R. Neuville, CNRS-IPGP, France
Robert T. Downs, University of Arizona, U.S.A.
February 2014
Contents of Volume 78
Title Page
p. i
p. ii
From the Series Editor & Preface
p. iii - iv
Table of Contents
p. v - xvii
Chapter 1. Modern X-ray Diffraction Methods in Mineralogy and Geosciences
by Barbara Lavina, Przemyslaw Dera, and Robert T. Downs p. 1 - 32
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of XAFS
by Matthew Newville, p. 33 - 74
Chapter 3. X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy
by Grant S. Henderson, Frank M.F. de Groot,
Benjamin J.A. Moulton, p. 75 - 138
Chapter 4. Probing of Pressure-Induced Bonding Transitions in Crystalline and Amorphous Earth Materials: Insights from X-ray Raman Scattering at High Pressure
by Sung Keun Lee, Peter J. Eng, Ho-kwang Mao, p. 139 - 174
Chapter 5. Luminescence Spectroscopy
by Glenn A. Waychunas, p. 175 - 218
Chapter 6. Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy
by Rik Brydson, Andy Brown,
Liane G. Benning, Ken Livi, p. 219 - 270
Chapter 7. High Resolution Core- and Valence-Level XPS Studies of the Properties (Structural, Chemical and Bonding) of Silicate Minerals and Glasses
by H.W. Nesbitt, G.M. Bancroft, p. 271 - 330
Chapter 8. Analysis of Mineral Surfaces by Atomic Force Microscopy
by Jacques Jupille, p. 331 - 370
Chapter 9. Optical Spectroscopy
by George R. Rossman, p. 371 - 398
Chapter 10. Spectroscopy from Space
by Roger N. Clark, Gregg A Swayze, and Robert Carlson, Will Grundy, and Keith Noll, p. 399 - 446
Chapter 11. SR-FTIR Microscopy and FTIR Imaging in the Earth Sciences
by Giancarlo Della Ventura, Augusto Marcelli, and Fabio Bellatreccia, p. 447 - 480
Chapter 12. Carryover of Sampling Errors and Other Problems in Far-Infrared to Far-Ultraviolet Spectra to Associated Applications
by Anne M. Hofmeister, p. 481 - 508
Chapter 13. Advances in Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Earth and Material Sciences
by Daniel R. Neuville, Dominique de Ligny, and Grant S. Henderson, p. 509 - 541
Errata for the print version of Chapter 13's Figure 14 as a pdf (Download (246 KB))
Chapter 14. Brillouin Scattering and its Application in Geosciences
by Sergio Speziale, Hauke Marquardt, and Thomas S. Duffy, p. 543 - 603
Chapter 15. NMR Spectroscopy of Inorganic Earth Materials
by Jonathan F. Stebbins and Xianyu Xue, p. 605 - 653
Chapter 16. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Basic Principles, Experimental Techniques and Applications to Earth and Planetary Sciences
by Yuanming Pan and Mark J. Nilges, p. 655 - 690
Chapter 17. Theoretical Approaches to Structure and Spectroscopy of Earth Materials
by Sandro Jahn and Piotr M. Kowalski, p. 691 - 743
Chapter 18. High-pressure Apparatus Integrated with Synchrotron Radiation
by Guoyin Shen and Yanbin Wang, p. 745 - 777
Chapter 19. In situ High-Temperature Experiments
by Daniel R. Neuville, Louis Hennet, Pierre Florian, and Dominique de Ligny, p. 779 - 801
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