Dalek Attack (1992) - MobyGames
Amiga Power lawsuit
Alternative actually tried to sue Amiga Power magazine as a result of the low score this game got. Their argument was that a group of Doctor Who fans told them it was the best computer game they'd played, so it must be brilliant. Unsurprisingly the case didn't get far.
The Spectrum version had a free sticker which has a picture of 2 Daleks and Davros with the text "I'VE BEEN EXTERMINATED" on it. There was also a flyer about the D.W.A.S (Doctor Who Appreciation Society) with information on how to become a member.
In the London level there is a pub called The Red Lion; this is the most common name for a pub in Britain.
- Commodore Format
- October 1995 (Issue 61) – The Bottom 10 Games of all Time
Information also contributed by Martin Smith.