Save the Montagnard People, Inc. | The New Central Highlands ... - Home
Although the STMP was founded to provide assistance to Montagnard immigrants, we can also assist non Montagnard refugees from Indochina of a U.S. Special Operations affinity.
Additionally, our role has expanded to include improving the chances of survival for their vanishing culture in Vietnam. Their distinct ethnogeny as the aborigines of southeast Indochina dating to 200 BC, is nearly dead. Following the North Vietnamese victory in 1975, the communists instituted Cultural Leveling (long term ethnic cleansing) to eradicate all ethnic minority cultures.
STMP assistance may take the form of advocacy with the U.S. and foreign governments and providing refugee resettlement and educational funds, goods, and services.
Located on 100 acres in Asheboro NC, the New Central Highlands is the epicenter of US Montagard activity. There a Rhade longhouse has been built, a Montagard cemetary has been established, a pavilon built for events and on any given weekend, hundreds of Montagnards gather to work the land and to network with their countrymen. Plans for a cultural center and additional tribal structures are in place and work is underway to expand.