Morgan Colors- Your Information Station for Morgan Color Genetics and Color History


Welcome to the Morgan Colors website! We've seen a lot of "color history" being made in our breed over the years, and this website is a way to share that information, all in one place. We welcome everyone to join our Facebook discussion group, where you will see lots of pictures of beautiful Morgans of all colors, and keep up to date on the latest happenings in the world of Morgans.

Although most people are aware that the Morgan Horse can be bay, brown, chestnut and black, they may not know that Morgans can be more colorful! On these pages you will see that there are silver dapple, roan, palomino, buckskin, dun, grulla, cremello, perlino, smoky cream, gray, flaxen, sabino, splash, and other rare colorful Morgans!

In the menu above are links to pages of pictures of Morgans in each of the various colors and modifiers present in our breed. Educational information about the genetics of each color, as well as a list of bloodline sources for them, can also be found on each page. Inspired by the American Morgan Horse Historical Photo Archive, we present a "colorful" version

here for those who wish to trace the color lines in their horse's pedigrees. Be sure and check the links page for websites of colorful Morgan breeders as well as other educational sites about Morgans and the colors they come in.

The core of this site's information was taken from my 2005 AMHA Convention presentation on Morgan Color and History. I had many requests to put this information on a CD, book or website, so here it is! I hope you find Morgan Colors useful as a reference and research tool.

Suggestions are welcome. Check back for regular updates! -Laura Behning

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Home | Base Colors | Palomino | Buckskin | Smoky Black | Homozygous Creams | Silver | Dun | Gray | Splash | Sabino and W20
Rabicano and Roan | Frame | Flaxen | Oddities | Historic Colorful Morgans | Links

Site updated April 18, 2022