MuniNet Guide | University of Chicago

Introduced in March 1997 as a subscription-based, monthly print newsletter, MuniNet Guide & Review was originally designed to help state and local governments and the municipal finance community navigate the then-uncharted territory of the Internet. Its early focus was on guiding users to relevant, reputable online resources, as well as highlighting elements of a quality municipal or government-related website.

The website was launched in late 1999, at which time it became available to the public free of charge. Its tagline, “your hub for municipal-related research” guided its evolution over the next 20+ years, as it became a valuable resource for an increasingly wider audience, including citizens, students, researchers and other civic-minded groups and individuals.

With a heavy accent on municipal finance, MuniNet Guide provided cutting-edge, difficult-to-locate articles and commentary on the municipal bond market, state and local government issuers, fiscal distress, public pensions and municipal bankruptcy.

The History of MuniNet Guide