Extended Data Figure 3: Stars in the neighbourhood of the SN 2012Z progenitor. | Nature

The SN 2012Z progenitor system S1 (blue) is shown along with nearby stars (all with 1σ photometric uncertainties), with three isochrones24 with ages of 10.5 (dotted), 17.0 (dashed), and 41.7 Myr (solid). a, The F435W − F555W colour (roughly B − V), b, the F555W − F814W colour (roughly V − I), both plotted against the F555W (roughly V) absolute magnitude. The large, filled circles correspond to stars within 10 WFC3/UVIS pixels (0.4″) of the supernova location, small filled circles are within 20 pixels (0.8″), and the small open circles are within 30 pixels (1.2″). Objects in the grey shaded regions would not be detected given the depth of the combined images.

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