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Chief O'Hara is the chief of police of the Gotham City Police Department and Commissioner James Gordon's second-in-command. Chief O'Hara was portrayed by Stafford Repp on the 1966 Batman television series and the Batman feature film. Though the character of O'Hara is clearly Irish, Repp himself was actually Jewish. In the 2016 animated film, Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, Chief O'Hara was voiced by Thomas Lennon. In "Marsha's Scheme of Diamonds", O'Hara mentions that he has a wife. Appea
Ce module de base de données permet de stocker toutes les informations concernant l'évolution de la population de la division dont l'article est Fendeille. Module de données démographiques d'une division...
페테르 프뢰이드펠트개인 정보출생일1963년 11월 14일(61세)출생지스웨덴 에스킬스투나국적스웨덴인직업경기장 운영인, 축구 심판 페테르 프뢰이드펠트(스웨덴어: Peter Fröjdfeldt, 1963년 11월 14일, 쇠데르만란드 주 에스킬스투나 ~)는 스웨덴의 전직 축구 심판이다. 프뢰이드펠트는 에스킬스투나 출신이다. 본래 밴디 선수였던 그는 1992년에 축구 하부...