Antimicrobial-resistant genes associated with Salmonella spp. isolated from human, poultry, and seafood sources - PubMed
Antimicrobial-resistant genes associated with Salmonella spp. isolated from human, poultry, and seafood sources
Yemisi O Adesiji et al. Food Sci Nutr. 2014 Jul.
Antimicrobial-resistant salmonellosis is a significant public health concern globally. A study was conducted to screen for Salmonella species from a total of 120 samples, of which 50 were retail meat samples purchased from five randomly selected sales outlets in the city of Mangalore, India. Twenty poultry fecal materials freshly voided before slaughter were obtained with sterile spatula and placed in sterile sealable polythene envelopes, and 20 clams were purchased from the estuaries of Nethravathi and Kankarnady market. In addition, 30 clinical isolates from Nigeria suspected to be Salmonella by only cultural characterization were also included in the study. In all, 30 samples-6 poultry, 8 seafood, and 16 Salmonella isolates from clinical samples-were confirmed positive by PCR and used in this study. The disk-diffusion test was performed to determine the zone of inhibition, and detection of resistance genes was tested by PCR targeting various antimicrobial genes. Resistance to tetracycline (TET), cotrimoxazole, nalidixic acid, nitrofurantion, and piperacillin/tazobactin was found in 66.7%, 60%, 53.3%, 50% and 50% of the isolates, respectively. About 60-100% of MDR isolates possessed antibiotic-resistant genes, of the tetracyclines resistant isolates, 20 (100%) 6 (30%), 7 (35%), and 10 (50%) carried tetA, tetB, tetC, and tetG genes, respectively. Of 18 cotrimoxazole-resistant strains, 18 (100%), 14 (77.7%), and 4 (22.2%) had sul1, sul2, and sul3 genes, respectively. Of the 14 multidrug-resistant isolates tested, 8 (61%) and 9 (69%) were positive for cmlA and cmlB genes, respectively, 10 (1.4%) tested positive for aph(3)11a genes, 8 (57%) tested positive for aac(3)lla, while none was positive for the aac6 gene. The results show the presence of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella spp. in food samples from India and in human samples from Nigeria.
Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance; India; Nigeria; Salmonella; resistant genes.

PCR amplification of invA gene. Lane M: 100 bp DNA Ladder (Genei TM, Merck Bangalore) Lane 1: Positive control (ATCC 14028) Lane 2: Negative control Lanes 3-5: Samples positive for Salmonella spp.

PCR amplification of hns gene. Lane M: 100 bp DNA Ladder (Genei TM, Bangalore) Lane 1: Positive control (ATCC 14028)Lane 2: Negative control Lanes 3-5: Samples positive for Salmonella spp.

Showing representative Tet A gene from Salmonella. Lane M- 100bp marker, Lane 2: Positive control, Lanes 3-11: test samples and Lane 12: negative control.

Showing representative TetB gene from Salmonella. Lane M- 100bp marker, Lane 2: Positive control, Lanes 3-11: test samples, Lane 8: negative control.
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