Neighbors at War - Neighbors at War!
The Creepy Case Against Your Home Owner’s Association
Ward Lucas, has spent 40 years in investigative journalism and has won more than 70 journalism and civic awards for his reporting and writing. He was the first reporter on the DB Cooper hijacking and the Ted Bundy murders. He has interviewed Presidents and nursing home residents, Secretaries of State to street people.
From organized crime to wiretapping, to professional arson, Lucas has seen it all. In his new book, Neighbors At War!, he presents startling information about how the modern Homeowners Association Movement is impacting Americans.
Neighbors at War! tells about the growing crisis in the modern HOA movement and lays out one of the only strategies to stop the coming collapse of the covenant controlled neighborhood. Your freedom really is at risk!
Your personal wealth is at risk. Your Constitutional rights are being secretly shredded! And it’s all legal. There are 310,000 Homeowners Associations in America. Sixty two million homeowners have discovered, often to their dismay, that they now belong to an entirely different form of government, one they never expected. Almost all new housing developments are inside these private compounds and in many places it’s impossible to buy a house not governed by a private HOA board. In effect, traditional government is now forcing homeowners into these HOA compounds, and once inside, it’s often impossible to leave with your finances intact.
Longtime investigative reporter Ward Lucas examines the new housing and has some startling revelations about how this changing landscape is impacting Americans.
… that when you joined your HOA you essentially surrendered all of your rights under the U.S. Constitution?
…that when you joined your HOA, you essentially took all your home equity, your retirement savings, your future pension, and put them in a common pool with your neighbors? The legal profession hasn’t yet mined that “deep pocket,” but they’re beginning to notice it.
…that when you joined your HOA you essentially stepped out of one form of government and into another? You pay “taxes” to your new government in the form of dues, but those dues are not deductible.
…that even if you like your own HOA, you are just one election away from a complete change from passive government to rogue dictatorship?
All the above points are supported by a series of high court decisions.