Nellis Air Force Base > Units > NTTR
The Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), formerly the 98th Range Wing, provides the warfighter a flexible, realistic and multidimensional battle-space to conduct testing tactics development, and advanced training in support of U.S. national interests. The NTTR also provides instrumentation and target maintenance support for Green Flag-West at the National Training Center and Leach Lake Tactics Range (LLTR), California.
As a Major Range Test Facility Base (MRTFB) activity, the NTTR supports the Department of Defense advanced composite force training, tactics development, and electronic combat testing as well as DOD and Department of Energy testing, research, and development. The NTTR hosts numerous Red Flag and U.S. Air Force Weapons School exercises each year, as well as various test and tactics development missions.
The NTTR coordinates operational and support matters with major commands, other services, DOE and Department of Interior, as well as other federal, state, and local government agencies. The NTTR acts as the single point of contact for range customers.
The NTTR Mission is to create, operate, and maintain live and synthetic environments and integrate partners to optimize warfighter capabilities.
The NTTR Vision is to provide premier arenas enabling U.S. and partner nation warfighters to defeat all adversaries.
Priorities of the NTTR are:
- Build, update, and resource the NTTR to a Threat Matrix Framework Level 4 capability by FY27
- Innovate across acquisition and operational programs to reach 31st Combat Training Squadron simulator campus functionality in CY21
- Synchronize NTTR, interagency, and intergovernmental airspace and land management efforts to build efficient and transparent partnerships
- Create and communicate a deliberate human capital strategy that recruits, retains, and prepares talent for the NTTR and USAF
- Ensure internal safety and security processes and policies allow freedom to execute NTTR missions and tasks today while preparing for tomorrow
The 98th Range Wing was activated at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, on Oct. 29, 2001. The history of the 98th Range Wing can be traced to the 98th Bombardment Wing formed on Oct. 24, 1947. Further re-designations followed, including the 98th Strategic Aerospace Wing on Feb. 1, 1964, and later the 98th Strategic Wing on June 25, 1966. The 98th Strategic Wing was inactivated on Dec. 31, 1976. The 98th Range Wing was re-designated the Nevada Test and Training Range on June 21, 2011.
The NTTR is the largest contiguous air and ground space available for peacetime military operations in the free world. The range occupies 2.9 million acres of land, 5,000 square miles of airspace which is restricted from civilian air traffic over-flight and another 7,000 square miles of Military Operating Area, or MOA, which is shared with civilian aircraft. The 12,000-square-nautical mile range provides a realistic arena for operational testing and training aircrews to improve combat readiness. A wide variety of live munitions can be employed on targets on the range.
The NTTR organization is composed of nine directorates and one squadron: Director of Operations, Mission Support, Program Management, Plans and Programs, Financial Management, Safety, Range Support, Information Protection, Advanced Programs and the 25th Space Range Squadron.
Director of Operations
The mission of the Operations Directorate is to provide day-to-day direction and control of the geographical NTTR. The Director of Operations oversees two divisions, Current Operations and Weapons. The Range Operations Officer is appointed in the DO office. The directorate supports Air Force, Joint, and multi-national test and training activities by operating the NTTR and supporting LLTR. The directorate prioritizes all activities and schedules range users while providing ground control intercept operations, flight following safety deconfliction, simulated threat command and control operations, and range access control. It assists customers and coordinates support activities including airspace issues with military and federal agencies.
Mission Support
The Mission Support Directorate is responsible for providing range maintenance on the NTTR and base operating support at three geographically separated Operations and Maintenance compounds, including Point Bravo Electronic Combat Range, Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, Tonopah Electronic Combat Range and four remote communication sites. The directorate provides small arms range support on NTTR's southern ranges, as well as at the main training compound at Range 63C. In support to other units, Mission Support Directorate provides limited Base Operations Support oversight at Creech AFB and Tonopah Test Range Airfield under memorandums of agreements. The directorate also supports the 549th and 12th Combat Training Squadrons (which conduct Green Flag-West) at LLTR.
Financial Management Directorate
The Financial Management Directorate manages and executes the NTTR budget. They are responsible for performing detailed financial analysis to support future year budget projections, execution plan and Program Objective Memorandum inputs, and determining unfunded requirements. They monitor and collect reimbursements for Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB) activities from customers and Base Operations Support reimbursements from support agreements. The directorate manages the Product Service Catalog for MRTFB activities.
Safety Directorate
The Safety Directorate is responsible for managing the commander's safety and mishap prevention programs. They prepare unit OPREP reports for safety. The safety department is organized into functional areas under the direction of the Chief of Safety, to include ground safety and range safety.
Program Management Directorate
The Program Management Directorate is responsible for the NTTR Range Support Services (RSS) and 25th Space Range Squadron contracts. PM oversees all contracting actions to include acquiring new contracts and directing contract changes, overseeing contractor performance, and ensuring that the contractor successfully meets all mission requirements on the existing contracts.
Plans and Programs Directorate
The Plans and Programs Directorate focuses on warfighter requirements, long-term strategic planning and environmental management. It advocates for long-term range requirements to higher headquarters. This directorate is responsible for interaction of new systems being developed and implemented into the NTTR. In addition, the directorate oversees environmental management, agreements, land use, and range environmental contractors on the NTTR and LLTR. The directorate is the liaison to the Bureau of Land Management, the Department of the Interior, and works closely with other state and federal agencies to protect the NTTR in order to meet long-term test and training requirements.
Range Support Directorate
The mission of the Range Support Directorate is to provide day-to-day communications, electronic combat and instrumentation of the geographical NTTR and NTC The directorate oversees three divisions: communications/computer services, operations and maintenance, and engineering. The mission of the directorate is to provide technical support of Air Force, joint and multi-national aircrew training missions on the NTTR. The directorate is responsible for technical support including communications, computers, local area network connectivity, software development, project management oversight, and range technical support contractors. The directorate supports all electronic combat activities while providing ground control intercept operations, simulated threat command and control operations, and the range's simulated Integrated Air Defense System.
Information Protection Directorate
The Information Protection Directorate is responsible for all facets of security program management. This includes information, personnel, industrial, and resource protection security programs. Additionally, the Program Security Office ensures all visitors to the NTTR meet security requirements, and provides security oversight for classified on the NTTR.
Advanced Programs Directorate
The Advanced Programs Directorate provides special access, training, facilities and equipment in support of Air Force, Joint, and multi-national aircrew test and training missions on the NTTR.
31st Combat Training Squadron
31st Combat Training Squadron, Virtual Test and Training Center operates a multi-domain, High-End Advanced Training, Tactics, and Testing (HEAT3) campus, supporting USAF Weapons School, Operational Test, COCOM Exercises, and Flag Exercises. The mission of the 31st CTS is to enhance, sustain, and operate the most advanced synthetic environment to optimize warfighting capabilities and ready aircrew.
(Current as of November 2021)