A Geographical Information System (GIS) atlas of squid distribution in the Southern Ocean.

This study describes a synthesis of current information on the distribution of major Antarctic squid species (suborder Oegopsida: Kondakovia longimana, Moroteuthis ingens, Moroteuthis knipovitchi, Moroteuthis robsoni, Gonatus antarcticus, Histioteuthis atlantica, Histioteuthis eltaninae, Histioteuthis macrohista, Histioteuthis miranda, Batoteuthis skolops, Psychroteuthis glacialis, Alluroteuthis antarcticus, Bathyteuthis abyssicola, Brachioteuthis picta, Martialia hyadesi, Todarodes filippovae, Chiroteuthis veranyi, Mastigoteuthis psychrophila, Galiteuthis glacialis, Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni and Taonius sp (cf pavo)) caught by different types of commercial and scientific gear, in the Southern Ocean. Distribution was related to ocean fronts, sea-ice extent and bathymetry using a Geographical Information System (GIS).

Species of squid (suborder Oegopsida) studied and sources used

FamiliesSpeciesSources (see below)
Family OnychoteuthidaeKondakovia longimana Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Filippova, 1972; Rodhouse, 1991; Lu & Williams, 1994a; Lu & Williams, 1994b; Vacchi et al., 1994
Moroteuthis ingens Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Massy, 1916; Filippova, 1972; Nesis & Nigmatullin, 1972; Filippova & Yukhov,1979; Rodhouse, 1991; Rodhouse et al., 1992; Jackson, 1993; Alexeyev,1994; Coggan et al., 1996
Moroteuthis knipovitchi Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Filippova, 1972; Filippova & Yukhov, 1979; Rodhouse, 1989, Rodhouse et al., 1992; Rodhouse et al., 1996; Piatkowski et al., In press
Moroteuthis robsoni Lu & Mangold, 1978*; Alexeyev, 1994
Family GonatidaeGonatus antarcticus Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Nesis, 1972; Kubodera & Okutani, 1985; Rodhouse et al., 1992; Rodhouse et al., 1996
Family HistioteuthidaeHistioteuthis atlantica Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Voss, 1969; Nesis, 1974; Kubodera, 1989; Rodhouse et al., 1992; Lipinski, 1993; Alexeyev, 1994
Histioteuthis eltaninae Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Voss, 1969; Nesis, 1974; Roper & Sweeney, 1978; Lu & Mangold, 1978*; Rodhouse et al., 1992 Alexeyev, 1994; Rodhouse et al., 1996
Histioteuthis macrohista Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Voss, 1969; Nesis, 1974; Rodhouse et al., 1992; Alexeyev, 1994
Histioteuthis miranda Dell, 1959; Voss, 1969
Family BatoteuthidaeBatoteuthis skolops Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Young & Roper, 1968; Filippova & Yukhov, 1979; Rodhouse et al., 1992
Family PsychroteuthidaePsychroteuthis glacialis Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Filippova, 1969; Filippova, 1972; Nesis, 1974; Filippova & Yukhov, 1979; Kubodera, 1989; Rodhouse, 1989; Lu & Williams, 1994a; Piatkowski et al., In press
Family NeoteuthidaeAlluroteuthis antarcticus Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Odhner, 1923; Dell, 1959; Filippova & Yukhov, 1979; Kubodera, 1989; Rodhouse, 1989
Family BathyteuthidaeBathyteuthis abyssicola Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Hoyle, 1886; Hoyle, 1912; Odhner, 1923; Roper, 1969; Nesis, 1974; Lu & Mangold, 1978*
Family BrachioteuthidaeBrachioteuthis picta Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Kubodera, 1989; Rodhouse, 1989; Rodhouse et al., 1996
Family OmmastrephidaeMartialia hyadesi Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Rochebrunne & Mabille, 1889; Castellanos, 1967; Nesis & Nigmatullin, 1972; O'Sullivan et al., 1983; Brunetti et al., 1990; Piatkowski et al., 1991; Rodhouse, 1991; Uozumi et al., 1991; Rodhouse et al., 1992; Alexeyev, 1994; Coggan et al., 1996; Gonzalez & Rodhouse, 1996; Rodhouse et al., 1996; Arkhipkin & Silvanovich, In press; Gonzalez et al., In press
Todarodes filippovae Kawakami, 1976; Anon., 1980; Dunning & Brandt, 1985; Poleshaev, 1986; Dunning, 1988; Roeleveld, 1989; Piatkowski et al., 1991; Wormuth et al., 1992; Dunning, 1993; Alexeyev, 1994; Yokawa, 1994
Family ChiroteuthidaeChiroteuthis veranyi Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Nesis, 1972; Alexeyev, 1994
Family MastigoteuthidaeMastigoteuthis psychrophila Rodhouse, unpubl. data
Family CranchiidaeGaliteuthis glacialis Rodhouse, unpubl. data; Chun, 1910; Dell, 1959; Filippova, 1972; Nesis, 1974; Lu & Mangold, 1978*; McSweeney, 1978**; Nesis, 1979; Rodhouse and Clarke,1986;Kubodera, 1989; Rodhouse, 1989; Lu & Williams, 1994a; Piatkowski & Hagen, 1994; Rodhouse et al., 1996; Piatkowski et al., In press
Taonius sp (cf pavo) Rodhouse, unpubl. data
Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni Rodhouse, unpubl. data; McSweeney, 1970; Nesis, 1974; Filippova & Yukhov, 1979; Rodhouse & Clarke, 1985

* The positions data from Lu & Mangold (1978) are nominal values.
** Not all data was available.
*** Taonius sp is compared to the species Taonius pavo, because this genus in the Southern Ocean has been called pavo, however they can be from different species.

Number of geographic positions obtained for each species

FamiliesSpeciesNo. of Geographical positions
Family OnychoteuthidaeKondakovia longimana44
Moroteuthis ingens62
Moroteuthis knipovitchi25
Moroteuthis robsoni9
Family GonatidaeGonatus antarcticus55
Family HistioteuthidaeHistioteuthis atlantica37
Histioteuthis eltaninae38
Histioteuthis macrohista20
Histioteuthis miranda3
Family BatoteuthidaeBatoteuthis skolops13
Family PsychroteuthidaePsychroteuthis glacialis112
Family NeoteuthidaeAlluroteuthis antarcticus51
Family BathyteuthidaeBathyteuthis abyssicola250
Family BrachioteuthidaeBrachioteuthis picta412
Family OmmastrephidaeMartialia hyadesi184
Todarodes filippovae293
Family ChiroteuthidaeChiroteuthis veranyi38
Family MastigoteuthidaeMastigoteuthis psychrophila37
Family CranchiidaeGaliteuthis glacialis625
Taonius sp (cf pavo)1
Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni188

Key maps legend

Three maps were produced for each species distribution in relation to:

Oceanic fronts
STF: Subtropical front; SAF: Sub-Antarctic Front; PF: Antarctic Polar Front; SACCF: Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front; SACCB- Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Boundary.
three bathymetric curves correspond to 200m, 1000m and 3000m.
Winter and Summer Ice Extent
the nearest to the Antarctica continent is the summer ice extent while the winter ice extent is the furthest. The squid geographic positions within the winter ice extent were obtained in the austral summer. Some squid were caught in positions that appear to be under the summer ice extent. In these cases, because are mean values of the sea-ice extent, it is likely that the summer ice extent was less than the long term average in order to enable the scientists or fisherman to catch the specimens.
For more information see:
Xavier, J.C., Rodhouse, P.G., Trathan, P.N. & Wood, A.G. (1999). A Geographical Information System (GIS) Atlas of cephalopod distribution in the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science 11: 61-62.

Distribution Maps

FamilySpecies/genus Related to Oceanic frontsRelated to BathymetryRelated to Ice extent
NeoteuthidaeAlluroteuthis antarcticus Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
BathyteuthidaeBathyteuthis abyssicola Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
BatoteuthidaeBatoteuthis skolops Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
BrachioteuthidaeBrachioteuthis picta Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
ChiroteuthidaeChiroteuthis veranyi Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
CranchiidaeGaliteuthis glacialis Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
GonatidaeGonatus antarcticus Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
HistioteuthidaeHistioteuthis atlantica Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
HistioteuthidaeHistioteuthis eltaninae Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
HistioteuthidaeHistioteuthis macrohista Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
HistioteuthidaeHistioteuthis miranda Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
OnychoteuthidaeKondakovia longimana Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
MastigoteuthidaeMastigoteuthis psychrophila Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
CranchiidaeMesonychoteuthis hamiltoni Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
OnychoteuthidaeMoroteuthis ingens Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
OnychoteuthidaeMoroteuthis knipovitchi Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
OnychoteuthidaeMoroteuthis robsoni Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
PsychroteuthidaePsychroteuthis glacialis Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
OmmastrephidaeMartialia hyadesi Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
OmmastrephidaeTodarodes filippovae Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent
CranchiidaeTaonius sp (cf pavo) Oceanic fronts Bathymetry Ice extent


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Last modified: Thu Jan 6 11:53:44 GMT 2000
Andy Wood