Physiology of octave equivalence
Carbamazepine induced pitch shift and octave space representation
Martin Braun and Vladimir Chaloupka
Hear Res 2005, 210, 85-92
Octave-circular pitch perception, the repetition of pitch scale qualities
when surpassing the octave interval, has been observed in behavioral data
from humans and monkeys, but the underlying anatomy and physiology is
still unknown. Here we analyze octave circularity in a concert pianist
with absolute pitch, both under medication with the neurotropic drug carbamazepine
(CBZ) and without medication. Analysis of 4619 responses in a pitch identification
task revealed an internal tone-scale representation, based on the norm-tone
scale re A4 = 440 Hz, with an octave-circular pattern of strongly and
weakly represented tones. CBZ caused a global down-shift of pitch (ca.
1 semitone at 500 Hz), but no down-shift of the octave-circular pattern
of tone characteristics. This pattern was similar in the six tested octave
ranges (32.7-2093 Hz), both under the control and the CBZ condition. Pattern
repetition always occurred at octave intervals and did not reflect the
stretched octaves of piano tuning. The results indicate that CBZ influences
pitch detection peripheral of an octave-circular pitch representation.
Thus they support previous evidence for pitch detection in the auditory
midbrain and for octave-circular pitch mapping in the auditory thalamus.
Keywords: Carbamazepine; Medial geniculate nucleus; Inferior colliculus; Octave mapping; Fundamental frequency f0; Pitch
Abbreviations: AP, absolute pitch; BF, best frequency; CBZ, Carbamazepine; f0, fundamental frequency; ICC, central nucleus of the inferior colliculus; MGN, medial geniculate nucleus; ST, semitone; TRP, trimipramine