Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida

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Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida • 144

September 19, 1965

Tampa Bay Timesi

St. Petersburg, Florida

Issue Date:
Sunday, September 19, 1965


Extracted Article Text (OCR)

members of the Fine Arts Institute as they gathered this summer at East Hampton, N.Y. are, from left, Larry Rivers, Philip Guston, Conrad Marca-Relli, Syd Solomon and James Page Six 1 1 Up The Palette 3 A five-month course for advanced painters the first major grants from the Ford Foundawill draw six of the world's leading contempo- tion. He also received a Guggenheim fellowrary painters to Sarasota's New College begin- ship, a Prix de Rome and a grant from the ning in November, as the college's Fine Arts American Academy of Arts and Letters. Institute resumes for a second year. Larry Rivers, also new to the faculty, was a Faculty members this year include Syd Solo- jazz musician who became interested in art in mon, a member of the New College faculty as 1945, studied with Hans Hoffman, and soon well as coordinator of the institute, James demonstrated an individual technique that Brooks and Conrad Marca-Relli, both returning brought him a major show by 1950.

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