
University of Rome


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University of Rome


  • Sapienza University of Rome -- (founded 1303)
  • University of Rome Tor Vergata -- (founded 1982)
  • University of Roma Tre -- (founded 1992)

Rome, Italy


NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
Giulio Andreotti Head of State 14-Jan-1919 6-May-2013 Six-time Prime Minister of Italy
Felix Bloch Physicist 23-Oct-1905 10-Sep-1983 Nuclear magnetic resonance
Benedetto Croce Philosopher 25-Feb-1866 20-Nov-1952 Philosophy of Spirit
Ignace J. Gelb Scholar 14-Oct-1907 22-Dec-1985 A Study of Writing
Ze'ev Jabotinsky Military 18-Oct-1880 4-Aug-1940 Founder of the Jewish Legion
Marcello Mastroianni Actor 28-Sep-1924 19-Dec-1996 The Pizza Triangle
Giulio Mazzalupi Business 27-Sep-1940   CEO of Atlas Copco AB, 1997-2002
Franco Modigliani Economist 18-Jun-1918 25-Sep-2003 Life-cycle theory
Maria Montessori Educator 31-Aug-1870 6-May-1952 Founder of Montessori Education Method
Carlo Passaglia Religion 2-May-1812 12-Mar-1887 Advocate of Italian unity
Pope Paul VI Religion 26-Sep-1897 6-Aug-1978 The pilgrim pope
Luigi Pirandello Playwright 28-Jun-1867 10-Dec-1936 Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore
Emilio Segrè Physicist 30-Jan-1905 22-Apr-1989 Co-Discoverer of the antiproton


NameOccupationBirthDeathKnown for
Daniel Bovet Scientist 23-Mar-1907 8-Apr-1992 Anti-histamines, muscle relaxants, sulfanilamide
Stanislao Cannizzaro Chemist 13-Jul-1826 10-May-1910 Atomic vs Molecular weights
Enrico Fermi Physicist 29-Sep-1901 29-Nov-1954 First controlled nuclear chain reaction
Bruno de Finetti Mathematician 13-Jun-1906 20-Jul-1985 Subjective probability
Michael Ledeen Government 1-Aug-1941   Neoconservative activist
Maria Montessori Educator 31-Aug-1870 6-May-1952 Founder of Montessori Education Method
Giulio Natta Chemist 26-Feb-1903 2-May-1979 Ziegler-Natta catalysts for polymerization
Pier Luigi Nervi Architect 21-Jun-1891 9-Jan-1979 Experimented with reinforced concrete
Carlo Rubbia Physicist 31-Mar-1934   Co-Discovered W and Z particles
Emilio Segrè Physicist 30-Jan-1905 22-Apr-1989 Co-Discoverer of the antiproton

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