American Association for the Advancement of Science
"Founded in 1848, AAAS serves some 272 affiliated societies and academies of science and publishes the peer-reviewed general science journal Science. The non-profit AAAS is open to all and fulfills its mission to advance science and serve society through initiatives that include science policy, international programs, science education, and public understanding of science."
Official Website:
Washington, DC
Founding Date:
Name | Occupation | Birth | Death | Known for |
Roger Adams | Chemist | 2-Jan-1889 | 6-Jul-1971 | Organic chemist at Illinois |
Walter S. Adams | Astronomer | 20-Dec-1876 | 11-May-1956 | Long-time director of Mt. Wilson Observatory |
Ilesanmi Adesida | Educator | c. 1949 | Dean, College of Engineering, UIUC | |
Robert Adler | Physicist | 4-Dec-1913 | 15-Feb-2007 | Invented wireless remote control |
Peter Agre | Biologist | 30-Jan-1949 | Water channels of cell membranes | |
Howard Aiken | Physicist | 8-Mar-1900 | 14-Mar-1973 | Designer of early computers |
Sidney Altman | Chemist | 7-May-1939 | Proved enzyme role of RNA | |
Carl David Anderson | Physicist | 3-Sep-1905 | 11-Jan-1991 | Discovered the positron, mu-meson |
Daniel I. Arnon | Biologist | 14-Nov-1910 | 20-Dec-1994 | Photophosphorylation |
Kenneth J. Arrow | Economist | 23-Aug-1921 | Social Choice and Individual Values | |
Julius Axelrod | Chemist | 30-May-1912 | 29-Dec-2004 | Research of neurotransmitters |
Harold D. Babcock | Astronomer | 24-Jan-1882 | 8-Apr-1968 | Solar radiation |
Leo Baekeland | Scientist | 14-Nov-1863 | 23-Feb-1944 | Father of plastics |
David Baltimore | Biologist | 7-Mar-1938 | Co-Discoverer, reverse transcriptase | |
Paul Baran | Engineer | 29-Apr-1926 | 26-Mar-2011 | Packet-sharing in computer communications |
Harry Barnes | Diplomat | 5-Jun-1926 | 9-Aug-2012 | US Ambassador to Chile, 1985-88 |
George Beadle | Scientist | 22-Oct-1903 | 9-Jun-1989 | One gene, one enzyme theory |
Paul Berg | Chemist | 30-Jun-1926 | Pioneer in recombinant DNA | |
Robert J. Birgeneau | Educator | 1942 | Chancellor, UC Berkeley | |
George David Birkhoff | Mathematician | 21-Mar-1884 | 12-Nov-1944 | Modern theory of dynamical systems |
Elizabeth H. Blackburn | Scientist | 26-Nov-1948 | Co-Discoverer of telomerase | |
David H. Blackwell | Mathematician | 24-Apr-1919 | 8-Jul-2010 | Bayesian statistics |
Erich Bloch | Business | 9-Jan-1925 | Director of NSF, 1984-90 | |
Gene D. Block | Educator | c. 1948 | Chancellor, UCLA | |
Grady Booch | Computer Programmer | 27-Feb-1955 | Unified Modeling Language | |
Kim Bottomly | Educator | c. 1947 | President, Wellesley College | |
Kenneth E. Boulding | Economist | 18-Jan-1910 | 18-Mar-1993 | The Image: Knowledge of Life in Society |
Ben Bova | Author | 28-Nov-1932 | Science fiction writer | |
H. Kent Bowen | Educator | c. 1941 | Baker Foundation Professor at HBS | |
Herbert W. Boyer | Biologist | 10-Jul-1936 | Recombinant DNA, first synthetic insulin | |
John Brademas | Politician | 2-Mar-1927 | Congressman from Indiana, 1959-81 | |
Walter H. Brattain | Physicist | 10-Feb-1902 | 13-Oct-1987 | Co-Inventor of the transistor |
Gregory Breit | Physicist | 14-Jul-1899 | 11-Sep-1981 | Proton-proton dispersion |
Percy Williams Bridgman | Physicist | 21-Apr-1882 | 20-Aug-1961 | High-pressure physics |
Wallace R. Brode | Chemist | 12-Jun-1900 | 10-Aug-1974 | Absorption spectra of dyes |
William R. Brody | Educator | 4-Jan-1944 | President, Salk Institute | |
Cleanth Brooks | Critic | 16-Oct-1906 | 10-May-1994 | The Well Wrought Urn |
Rodney Brooks | Scientist | 30-Dec-1954 | Robotics and artificial intelligence researcher | |
Dirk Brouwer | Astronomer | 1-Sep-1902 | 31-Jan-1966 | Celestial mechanics |
John Seely Brown | Business | c. 1940 | Director of Xerox PARC, 1990-2000 | |
Linda B. Buck | Biologist | 29-Jan-1947 | Odorant receptors and olfactory organization | |
Luther Burbank | Botanist | 7-Mar-1849 | 11-Apr-1926 | Botanist and plant breeder |
E. Margaret Burbidge | Astronomer | 12-Aug-1919 | Synthesis of the elements in stars | |
Ernest Burgess | Sociologist | 16-May-1886 | 27-Dec-1966 | Introduction to the Science of Sociology |
Frank Macfarlane Burnet | Scientist | 3-Sep-1899 | 31-Aug-1985 | Acquired immunological tolerance |
Vannevar Bush | Scientist | 11-Mar-1890 | 30-Jun-1974 | Pre-internet visionary |
Helen Caldicott | Activist | 7-Aug-1938 | Anti-nuclear crusader | |
George Campbell, Jr. | Educator | 2-Dec-1945 | President of the Cooper Union | |
William W. Campbell | Astronomer | 11-Apr-1862 | 14-Jun-1938 | Stellar Motions |
Claude R. Canizares | Physicist | 1945 | Bruno Rossi Professor of Physics | |
Mario Capecchi | Scientist | 6-Oct-1937 | Knock-out mice | |
Anton J. Carlson | Biologist | 29-Jan-1875 | 2-Sep-1956 | The Machinery of the Body |
Leonard Carmichael | Educator | 9-Nov-1898 | 16-Sep-1973 | Smithsonian Chief, 1953-64 |
Richard Celeste | Politician | 11-Nov-1937 | Governor of Ohio, 1983-91 | |
Vint Cerf | Scientist | 23-Jun-1943 | Co-Designed Internet's TCP-IP protocol | |
Owen Chamberlain | Physicist | 10-Jul-1920 | 28-Feb-2006 | Co-Discoverer of the antiproton |
Noam Chomsky | Linguist | 7-Dec-1928 | Linguist, dissident intellectual | |
Alonzo Church | Mathematician | 14-Jun-1903 | 11-Aug-1995 | Lambda calculus, Church-Turing thesis |
John Clarke | Physicist | 10-Feb-1942 | Superconducting quantum interference | |
Stanley N. Cohen | Biologist | 17-Feb-1935 | Recombinant DNA | |
Thomas W. Cole, Jr. | Educator | c. 1941 | President of Clark Atlanta, 1989-2002 | |
Mary Sue Coleman | Educator | 2-Oct-1943 | President, University of Michigan | |
Francis Collins | Scientist | 14-Apr-1950 | Human Genome Project | |
Barry Commoner | Biologist | 28-May-1917 | 30-Sep-2012 | Science and Survival |
Arthur H. Compton | Physicist | 10-Sep-1892 | 15-Mar-1962 | Discovered the Compton Effect |
Edward Condon | Physicist | 2-Mar-1902 | 26-Mar-1974 | Quantum Mechanics |
William D. Coolidge | Physicist | 23-Oct-1873 | 4-Feb-1975 | Tungsten filaments and Coolidge tubes |
Leon N. Cooper | Physicist | 28-Feb-1930 | BCS Theory of Superconductivity | |
Elias James Corey | Chemist | 12-Jul-1928 | Retrosynthetic analysis | |
Carl Cori | Scientist | 5-Dec-1896 | 20-Oct-1984 | Catalytic conversion of glycogen |
Frederick G. Cottrell | Inventor | 10-Jan-1877 | 16-Nov-1948 | Smokestack filters to fight pollution |
Malcolm R. Currie | Business | 13-Mar-1927 | CEO of Hughes Aircraft, 1988-92 | |
Harvey Cushing | Doctor | 8-Apr-1869 | 7-Oct-1939 | Cushing's Syndrome |
Emilio Daddario | Politician | 24-Sep-1918 | 6-Jul-2010 | Congressman from Connecticut, 1959-71 |
Gerard Debreu | Economist | 4-Jul-1921 | 31-Dec-2004 | Supply and demand theorist |
Johann Deisenhofer | Chemist | 30-Sep-1943 | Proteins of photosynthesis | |
W. Edwards Deming | Mathematician | 14-Oct-1900 | 20-Dec-1993 | Quality Control guru |
Peter Diamond | Economist | 29-Apr-1940 | Diamond paradox in economics | |
Henry Draper | Astronomer | 7-Mar-1837 | 20-Nov-1882 | Early astrophotographer |
James J. Duderstadt | Educator | 5-Dec-1942 | President, University of Michigan, 1988-96 | |
Frank H. Easterbrook | Judge | 3-Sep-1948 | 7th Circuit Court of Appeals | |
Gerald M. Edelman | Scientist | 1-Jul-1929 | 17-May-2014 | Chemical structure of antibodies |
Vernon Ehlers | Politician | 6-Feb-1934 | Congressman from Michigan, 1993-2011 | |
Paul R. Ehrlich | Scientist | 29-May-1932 | The Population Bomb | |
Gertrude B. Elion | Scientist | 23-Jan-1918 | 21-Feb-1999 | Developed medicines for leukemia, herpes, AIDS |
Thomas E. Everhart | Physicist | 15-Feb-1932 | President of CalTech, 1987-97 | |
Martha J. Farah | Psychologist | c. 1955 | Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, UPenn | |
Enrico Fermi | Physicist | 29-Sep-1901 | 29-Nov-1954 | First controlled nuclear chain reaction |
Richard Feynman | Physicist | 11-May-1918 | 15-Feb-1988 | Surely he's joking |
Val Fitch | Physicist | 10-Mar-1923 | 5-Feb-2015 | Time not necessarily reversible |
Lee De Forest | Inventor | 26-Aug-1873 | 30-Jun-1961 | Inventor of the Audion vacuum tube |
Marye Anne Fox | Educator | 9-Dec-1947 | Chancellor, UC San Diego | |
Joseph S. Francisco | Chemist | 1955 | Atmospheric chemist | |
James Franck | Physicist | 26-Aug-1882 | 21-May-1964 | Franck-Hertz experiment |
Edward A. Frieman | Physicist | 19-Jan-1926 | 11-Apr-2013 | Director of Scripps, 1986-96 |
R. Buckminster Fuller | Architect | 12-Jul-1895 | 1-Jul-1983 | Futurist, invented the geodesic dome |
Owen K. Garriott | Astronaut | 22-Nov-1930 | Skylab, Spacelab astronaut | |
Alice P. Gast | Educator | 25-May-1958 | President, Lehigh University | |
Murray Gell-Mann | Physicist | 15-Sep-1929 | Quarks and strangeness | |
Michael Gershon | Scientist | c. 1936 | Gut neurobiology | |
Riccardo Giacconi | Astronomer | 6-Oct-1931 | Discovered cosmic X-ray sources | |
Sheldon Glashow | Physicist | 5-Dec-1932 | Electroweak Theory | |
Parris Glendening | Politician | 11-Jun-1942 | Governor of Maryland, 1995-2003 | |
Robert Goddard | Scientist | 5-Oct-1882 | 10-Aug-1945 | Father of modern rocketry |
Maurice Goldhaber | Physicist | 18-Apr-1911 | 11-May-2011 | Neutrons |
Lee Goldman | Doctor | 6-Jan-1948 | Goldman Index for cardiac risk | |
Richard J. Goldstein | Engineer | c. 1936 | Fluid mechanics | |
Mary L. Good | Educator | 20-Jun-1931 | Donaghey Professor, U. Arkansas | |
Stephen Jay Gould | Biologist | 10-Sep-1941 | 20-May-2002 | Evolutionary scientist |
Ronald Graham | Mathematician | 31-Oct-1935 | Mathematician, Computer Scientist | |
Donald P. Greenberg | Educator | c. 1933 | Prof. of Computer Graphics, Cornell | |
Carol W. Greider | Scientist | 15-Apr-1961 | Co-Discoverer of telomerase | |
Zvi Griliches | Economist | 12-Sep-1930 | 4-Nov-1999 | Technology, Education, and Productivity |
Amiram Grinvald | Scientist | c. 1949 | High-resolution optical imaging | |
David J. Gross | Physicist | 19-Feb-1941 | Deep structure of matter | |
Alan Guth | Physicist | 27-Feb-1947 | Inflationary theory of cosmology | |
Asaph Hall | Astronomer | 15-Oct-1829 | 22-Nov-1907 | Discovered the moons of Mars |
Edwin Hall | Physicist | 7-Nov-1855 | 20-Nov-1938 | Discovered the Hall Effect |
Margaret A. Hamburg | Government | 1955 | FDA Commissioner | |
Robert Hare | Chemist | 17-Jan-1781 | 15-May-1858 | Hydrostatic blow-pipe and spiritoscope |
Clare M. Hasler | Educator | c. 1957 | Director, Robert Mondavi Institute | |
William R. Hearst III | Business | c. 1950 | San Francisco Examiner Editor, 1984-95 | |
Melville J. Herskovits | Anthropologist | 10-Sep-1895 | 25-Feb-1963 | The Myth of the Negro Past |
James Hillier | Physicist | 22-Aug-1915 | 15-Jan-2007 | Electron microscope |
Susan Hockfield | Educator | 24-Mar-1951 | President of MIT | |
Alan L. Hodgkin | Scientist | 5-Feb-1914 | 20-Dec-1998 | Electrical impulses in nerves |
Bert Hölldobler | Zoologist | 25-Jun-1936 | Social organizations in insects | |
Robert W. Holley | Scientist | 28-Jan-1922 | 11-Feb-1993 | RNA's role in protein synthesis |
Rush Holt | Politician | 15-Oct-1948 | Congressman, New Jersey 12th | |
Leroy Hood | Biologist | 10-Oct-1938 | Systems biology and Human Genome Project | |
Grace Murray Hopper | Computer Programmer | 9-Dec-1906 | 1-Jan-1992 | Computer programming pioneer |
Fred Hoyle | Astronomer | 24-Jun-1915 | 20-Aug-2001 | Opposed the Big Bang but named it |
Evelyn Hu | Physicist | c. 1947 | Nanoscale device fabrication | |
Russell A. Hulse | Physicist | 28-Nov-1950 | Co-Discovered first binary pulsar | |
Frederic Eugene Ives | Inventor | 17-Feb-1856 | 27-May-1937 | Halftone process |
Shirley A. Jackson | Physicist | 5-Aug-1946 | NRC Chairman, 1995-99 | |
Mae C. Jemison | Astronaut | 17-Oct-1956 | First African-American woman in space | |
Franklyn G. Jenifer | Educator | 26-Mar-1939 | President of UT-Dallas, 1994-2003 | |
Robert Jervis | Historian | 1940 | The Illogic of American Nuclear Strategy | |
Donald Johanson | Anthropologist | 28-Jun-1943 | Discovered "Lucy" fossils | |
Michael M. E. Johns | Educator | c. 1941 | Chancellor, Emory University | |
Anita K. Jones | Educator | c. 1942 | Professor at University of Virginia | |
Dale W. Jorgenson | Economist | 7-May-1933 | Economist at Harvard | |
Percy Julian | Chemist | 11-Apr-1899 | 19-Apr-1975 | Physostigmine and cortisone |
Joseph M. Juran | Scientist | 24-Dec-1904 | 28-Feb-2008 | The Pareto Principle |
Leo P. Kadanoff | Physicist | 14-Jan-1937 | 26-Oct-2015 | Second-order phase transitions |
Paul G. Kaminski | Military | 16-Sep-1942 | CEO of Technovation, Inc. | |
James E. Keeler | Astronomer | 10-Sep-1857 | 12-Aug-1900 | Composition of Saturn's rings |
John Harvey Kellogg | Doctor | 26-Feb-1852 | 14-Dec-1943 | Battle Creek Sanitarium |
Henry W. Kendall | Physicist | 9-Dec-1926 | 15-Feb-1999 | Verified existence of quarks |
Donald Kennedy | Educator | 18-Aug-1931 | Editor-in-Chief of Science | |
Donald M. Kerr | Government | c. 1941 | Deputy Director, US National Intelligence | |
Jay Keyworth | Physicist | c. 1939 | Science advisor to Reagan | |
Jeremy R. Knowles | Business | 1935 | Chemistry Professor, Harvard University | |
Arthur Kornberg | Scientist | 3-Mar-1918 | 26-Oct-2007 | Synthesized DNA |
Irving Kristol | Columnist | 22-Jan-1920 | 18-Sep-2009 | Influential neocon |
Paul Kurtz | Philosopher | 21-Dec-1925 | 20-Oct-2012 | Pro-skeptic activist |
Polykarp Kusch | Physicist | 26-Jan-1911 | 20-Mar-1993 | Magnetic moment of the electron |
Simon Kuznets | Economist | 30-Apr-1901 | 8-Jul-1985 | National Income and Its Composition |
Samuel P. Langley | Astronomer | 22-Aug-1834 | 2-Feb-1906 | Heavier-than-air flying machine |
Irving Langmuir | Chemist | 31-Jan-1881 | 16-Aug-1957 | Inventor of the high-vacuum tube |
Richmond Lattimore | Poet | 6-May-1906 | 26-Feb-1984 | Translator of Iliad and Odyssey |
Robert B. Laughlin | Physicist | 1-Nov-1950 | Fractional quantum Hall effect | |
Paul C. Lauterbur | Scientist | 6-May-1929 | 27-Mar-2007 | Magnetic resonance imaging |
Henrietta Swan Leavitt | Astronomer | 4-Jul-1868 | 12-Dec-1921 | Cepheid variable |
Joshua Lederberg | Biologist | 23-May-1925 | 2-Feb-2008 | Genetic properties of bacteria |
Leon M. Lederman | Physicist | 15-Jul-1922 | Researcher of neutrinos | |
David M. Lee | Physicist | 20-Jan-1931 | Superfluidity of helium-3 | |
Henry C. Lee | Scientist | 22-Nov-1938 | Prominent criminologist | |
Morris E. Leeds | Business | 6-Mar-1869 | 8-Feb-1952 | Leeds & Northrup Co. |
Anthony J. Leggett | Physicist | 26-Mar-1938 | Particle physicist, explored superfluidity | |
Jean-Marie Lehn | Chemist | 30-Sep-1939 | Synthesis of molecules | |
Joseph Leidy | Biologist | 9-Sep-1823 | 30-Apr-1891 | Trichinosis and dinosaurs |
Robert B. Leighton | Astronomer | 10-Sep-1919 | 9-Mar-1997 | Leighton dishes |
Wassily Leontief | Economist | 5-Aug-1906 | 5-Feb-1999 | Structure of the American Economy |
Arnold J. Levine | Biologist | 1939 | Cancer researcher | |
Ralph Linton | Anthropologist | 27-Feb-1893 | 25-Dec-1953 | The Study of Man |
Alfred Lee Loomis | Physicist | 4-Nov-1887 | 1-Aug-1975 | Millionaire scientist |
Salvador Luria | Biologist | 13-Aug-1912 | 6-Feb-1991 | Natural selection in bacteria |
Benoit Mandelbrot | Mathematician | 20-Nov-1924 | 14-Oct-2010 | Fractal mathematician |
Sally Mason | Educator | c. 1950 | President, University of Iowa | |
Walter E. Massey | Business | 5-Apr-1938 | Morehouse College president, physicist | |
Jessica Tuchman Mathews | Government | 1946 | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | |
Matthew Fontaine Maury | Military | 14-Jan-1806 | 1-Feb-1873 | Father of modern oceanography |
James J. McCarthy | Scientist | ? | President of AAAS | |
John McCarthy | Computer Programmer | 4-Sep-1927 | 24-Oct-2011 | Created LISP programming language |
Barbara McClintock | Scientist | 16-Jun-1902 | 2-Sep-1992 | Discovered transposable genes |
Colleen McCullough | Novelist | 1-Jun-1937 | 29-Jan-2015 | The Thorn Birds |
William D. McElroy | Biologist | 22-Jan-1917 | 17-Feb-1999 | Bioluminescence |
Ian McEwan | Novelist | 21-Jun-1948 | Amsterdam | |
Victor A. McKusick | Scientist | 21-Oct-1921 | 22-Jul-2008 | Father of medical genetics |
Margaret Mead | Anthropologist | 16-Dec-1901 | 15-Nov-1978 | Coming of Age in Samoa |
Carolyn Meinel | Author | c. 1946 | Walking scr1pt k1dd13 factory | |
Richard A. Meserve | Attorney | 20-Nov-1944 | President of the Carnegie Institution | |
Albert A. Michelson | Physicist | 19-Dec-1852 | 9-May-1931 | Measured the speed of light |
Thomas Midgley | Chemist | 18-May-1889 | 2-Nov-1944 | Ethyl gasoline, Freon |
Stanley Miller | Chemist | 7-Mar-1930 | 20-May-2007 | Miller-Urey Experiment |
Robert A. Millikan | Physicist | 22-Mar-1868 | 19-Dec-1953 | Determined the charge of an electron |
Chad Mirkin | Chemist | 23-Nov-1963 | International Institute for Nanotechnology | |
Maria Mitchell | Astronomer | 1-Aug-1818 | 28-Jun-1889 | First American female astronomer |
Mario J. Molina | Chemist | 19-Mar-1943 | Ozone depletion | |
Ernest J. Moniz | Educator | 22-Dec-1944 | US Secretary of Energy | |
Charlotte E. Moore | Astronomer | 24-Sep-1898 | 3-Mar-1990 | Technetium in the Sun |
Gordon Moore | Business | 3-Jan-1929 | Co-founder of Intel, laid down Moore's Law | |
Lewis Henry Morgan | Anthropologist | 21-Nov-1818 | 17-Dec-1881 | Ancient Society |
C. D. Mote, Jr. | Educator | c. 1937 | President, University of Maryland | |
John Muir | Activist | 21-Apr-1838 | 24-Dec-1914 | Patron saint of Yosemite National Park |
Robert S. Mulliken | Chemist | 7-Jun-1896 | 31-Oct-1986 | Molecular orbital theory |
Story Musgrave | Astronaut | 19-Aug-1935 | Spent 1281 hours in space | |
Ei-ichi Negishi | Chemist | 14-Jul-1935 | Palladium-catalyzed cross couplings | |
Arun Netravali | Business | 26-May-1946 | Chief Scientist at Lucent, 2002-03 | |
Ernest Fox Nichols | Physicist | 1-Jun-1869 | 29-Apr-1924 | Infrared radiation |
Robert Noyce | Inventor | 12-Dec-1927 | 3-Jun-1990 | Co-Inventor, integrated circuit |
Ryoji Noyori | Chemist | 3-Sep-1938 | Chiral catalysts | |
Bill Nye | TV Personality | 27-Nov-1955 | Bill Nye the Science Guy | |
Gilbert S. Omenn | Business | 30-Aug-1941 | Professor, University of Michigan | |
Elinor Ostrom | Sociologist | 7-Aug-1933 | 12-Jun-2012 | Common-pool resources |
David W. Oxtoby | Educator | 1951 | President, Pomona College | |
David C. Page | Biologist | 6-Jul-1956 | Director, Whitehead Institute | |
Wolfgang Pauli | Physicist | 25-Apr-1900 | 15-Dec-1958 | Pauli Exclusion Principle |
Benjamin Peirce | Mathematician | 4-Apr-1809 | 10-Jun-1880 | Idempotent and nilpotent |
Saul Perlmutter | Astronomer | 1959 | Accelerating expansion of the universe | |
Russell W. Peterson | Politician | 3-Oct-1916 | 21-Feb-2011 | Governor of Delaware, 1969-73 |
Cecil B. Pickett | Biologist | 5-Oct-1945 | Ezetrol, Singulair, and Vioxx | |
Gregory Pincus | Scientist | 9-Apr-1903 | 22-Aug-1967 | Inventor of oral contraceptives |
Kenneth S. Pitzer | Chemist | 6-Jan-1914 | 26-Dec-1997 | President of Rice University, 1961-68 |
E. Gail de Planque | Physicist | c. 1944 | Nuclear physicist | |
Jerry Pournelle | Author | 7-Aug-1933 | Sci-Fi collaborator with Larry Niven | |
John Wesley Powell | Geologist | 24-Mar-1834 | 23-Sep-1902 | Exploration of the Colorado River |
Richard Powers | Novelist | 18-Jun-1957 | The Gold Bug Variations | |
Franklyn G. Prendergast | Doctor | 7-Mar-1945 | Mayo Clinic | |
James Rainwater | Physicist | 9-Dec-1917 | 31-May-1986 | Determined shapes of nuclei |
Norman F. Ramsey | Physicist | 27-Aug-1915 | 4-Nov-2011 | Energy levels of atoms |
Don Michael Randel | Educator | 9-Dec-1940 | President, University of Chicago, 2000-06 | |
Frederick Reines | Physicist | 16-Mar-1918 | 26-Aug-1998 | Co-Discover of the neutrino |
Judith Reisman | Author | 11-Apr-1935 | Hates Kinsey | |
Donald B. Rice | Business | 4-Jun-1939 | Secretary of the US Air Force, 1989-93 | |
Theodore W. Richards | Chemist | 31-Jan-1868 | 2-Apr-1928 | Atomic weights |
Robert C. Richardson | Physicist | 26-Jun-1937 | 19-Feb-2013 | Superfluidity of helium-3 |
Burton Richter | Physicist | 22-Mar-1931 | Co-Discoverer of J/psi meson | |
Oscar Riddle | Biologist | 27-Sep-1877 | 29-Nov-1968 | Prolactin |
George Rieveschl | Chemist | 9-Jan-1916 | 27-Sep-2007 | Discovered Benadryl |
Ron Rivest | Computer Programmer | 1947 | The R in RSA | |
William Barton Rogers | Educator | 7-Dec-1804 | 30-May-1882 | Founder, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Marc Rotenberg | Activist | 20-Apr-1960 | Electronic Privacy Information Center | |
F. Sherwood Rowland | Chemist | 28-Jun-1927 | 10-Mar-2012 | Ozone depletion |
Vera Rubin | Astronomer | 23-Jul-1928 | Structure of galaxies | |
Henry Norris Russell | Astronomer | 25-Oct-1877 | 18-Feb-1957 | Giant stars and dwarfs |
Carl Sagan | Astronomer | 9-Nov-1934 | 20-Dec-1996 | Popular astronomer, host of Cosmos |
Jonas Salk | Scientist | 28-Oct-1914 | 23-Jun-1995 | Discoverer of the first polio vaccine |
Herbert I. Schiller | Author | 5-Nov-1919 | 29-Jan-2000 | Mass Communications and American Empire |
Frank Schlesinger | Astronomer | 11-May-1871 | 10-Jul-1943 | Stellar parallaxes |
Jack Schmitt | Astronaut | 3-Jul-1935 | 12th Man on the Moon | |
Julian Schwinger | Physicist | 12-Feb-1918 | 16-Jul-1994 | Quantum electrodynamics |
Glenn Seaborg | Physicist | 19-Apr-1912 | 25-Feb-1999 | Co-Discoverer of Plutonium |
Harlow Shapley | Astronomer | 2-Nov-1885 | 20-Oct-1972 | Organizer of Heaven |
Phillip A. Sharp | Biologist | 6-Jun-1944 | Eukaryotic (split) genes | |
K. Barry Sharpless | Chemist | 28-Apr-1941 | Chiral catalysts | |
Robert N. Shelton | Educator | 1948 | President, University of Arizona | |
Martin Shubik | Economist | 24-Mar-1926 | Economist and game theorist | |
David J. Skorton | Educator | 22-Nov-1949 | Smithsonian Institution | |
V. M. Slipher | Astronomer | 11-Nov-1875 | 8-Nov-1969 | Interstellar dust |
Richard E. Smalley | Chemist | 6-Jun-1943 | 28-Oct-2005 | Co-Discovered fullerines |
Theobald Smith | Scientist | 31-Jul-1859 | 10-Dec-1934 | Infectious and parasitic diseases |
Oliver Smithies | Scientist | 23-Jun-1925 | Knock-out mice | |
Robert M. Solow | Economist | 23-Aug-1924 | Theory of economic growth | |
Gene Spafford | Computer Programmer | c. 1957 | Spaf | |
Elmer Sperry | Inventor | 12-Oct-1860 | 10-Jun-1930 | Gyroscopic compass |
Robert J. Spitzer | Educator | 16-May-1952 | President of Gonzaga University | |
Frank J. Sprague | Inventor | 25-Jul-1857 | 25-Oct-1934 | Streetcars and express elevators |
Robert G. Sproul | Educator | 22-May-1891 | 10-Sep-1975 | President, University of California, 1930-58 |
Chauncey Starr | Physicist | 14-Apr-1912 | 17-Apr-2007 | Electric Power Research Institute |
William H. Stein | Chemist | 25-Jun-1911 | 2-Feb-1980 | Amino-acid analyzer |
Thomas A. Steitz | Scientist | 23-Aug-1940 | Ribosomes | |
Otto Stern | Physicist | 17-Feb-1888 | 17-Aug-1969 | Molecular beam experiment |
Walter W. Stewart | Economist | 1885 | Mar-1958 | Council of Economic Advisers, 1953-55 |
Kathryn D. Sullivan | Astronaut | 3-Oct-1951 | Columbus Center for Science and Industry | |
Louis Wade Sullivan | Government | 3-Nov-1933 | US Secretary of HHS, 1989-93 | |
James B. Sumner | Chemist | 19-Nov-1887 | 12-Aug-1955 | Crystallized enzymes |
Earl W. Sutherland, Jr. | Scientist | 19-Nov-1915 | 9-Mar-1974 | Hormones mechanisms (cyclic AMP) |
David Suzuki | Naturalist | 24-Mar-1936 | Television nature host | |
Ambrose Swasey | Business | 19-Dec-1846 | 15-Jun-1937 | Warner and Swasey Company and Observatory |
James V. Taranik | Geologist | 23-Apr-1940 | 21-Jun-2011 | Desert Research Institute |
Richard E. Taylor | Physicist | 2-Nov-1929 | Verified existence of quarks | |
Edward Teller | Physicist | 15-Jan-1908 | 9-Sep-2003 | Father of the Hydrogen Bomb |
Lonnie Thompson | Scientist | 1-Jul-1948 | Paleoclimatologist, glaciologist | |
Chang-Lin Tien | Educator | 24-Jul-1935 | 29-Oct-2002 | Chancellor of UC Berkeley, 1990-97 |
Stephen Timoshenko | Engineer | 23-Dec-1878 | 29-May-1972 | Mechanical engineering professor at Stanford |
Alvin Toffler | Author | 4-Oct-1928 | Future Shock | |
Daniel C. Tsui | Physicist | 28-Feb-1939 | Fractional quantum Hall effect | |
Murray Turoff | Scientist | 13-Feb-1936 | Computer conferencing and instant messaging | |
Harold C. Urey | Chemist | 29-Apr-1893 | 5-Jan-1981 | Discovered Deuterium |
Larry N. Vanderhoef | Educator | 20-Mar-1941 | 15-Oct-2015 | Chancellor of UC Davis, 1994-2009 |
Charles Vest | Educator | 9-Sep-1941 | 12-Dec-2013 | President of MIT, 1990-2004 |
Vincent du Vigneaud | Chemist | 18-May-1901 | 11-Dec-1978 | Synthesized vasopressin and oxytocin |
George Wald | Biologist | 18-Nov-1906 | 12-Apr-1997 | Physiology of the retina |
Margaret Floy Washburn | Psychologist | 25-Jul-1871 | 29-Oct-1939 | First female American psychologist |
William H. Welch | Scientist | 8-Apr-1850 | 30-Apr-1934 | Johns Hopkins School of Medicine |
George M. Whitesides | Chemist | 3-Aug-1939 | Harvard chemist, highest H-Index | |
Eugene Wigner | Physicist | 17-Nov-1902 | 1-Jan-1995 | Law of conservation of parity |
Frank Wilczek | Physicist | 15-May-1951 | Deep structure of matter | |
R. Sanders Williams | Educator | 1948 | Dean of Duke's Medical School | |
Edmund Beecher Wilson | Biologist | 19-Oct-1856 | 3-Mar-1939 | X and Y chromosomes |
James Wolfensohn | Business | 1-Dec-1933 | World Bank president, 1995-2005 | |
Gordon S. Wood | Historian | 27-Nov-1933 | The Creation of the American Republic | |
Carroll D. Wright | Sociologist | 25-Jul-1840 | 20-Feb-1909 | The Industrial Evolution of the United States |
Mark S. Wrighton | Educator | 1949 | Chancellor, Washington University in St. Louis | |
Kurt Wüthrich | Chemist | 4-Oct-1938 | Magnetic resonance spectroscopy | |
Joe B. Wyatt | Educator | c. 1935 | Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, 1982-2000 | |
Ahmed H. Zewail | Chemist | 26-Feb-1946 | Femtochemistry | |
Herbert S. Zim | Author | 12-Jul-1909 | 5-Dec-1994 | Golden Guides |
Hans Zinsser | Scientist | 17-Nov-1878 | 4-Sep-1940 | Typhus vaccine |
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