Judge Isaac C. Parker - Fort Smith National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

For twenty-one years, Judge Isaac C. Parker held the bench of the U.S. Court for the Western District of Arkansas. His tenure was unique in the history of the federal judiciary; while most U.S. district judges toiled away on civil cases, Parker heard thousands of criminal complaints of disputes and violence. He sentenced 160 people to death, and for fourteen years he did so while the condemned had no right of appeal.

Sensational cases and executions overshadowed Parker's contributions in rehabilitating offenders, reforming the criminal justice system, and advocating the rights of the Indian nations. In Fort Smith he tried to create, in his own words, "the moral force of a strong federal court."

Remembered in Western novels and films as the "Hanging Judge," Isaac Parker's real career and accomplishments in Fort Smith are far more fascinating and complicated. Use the links on this page to learn more about Judge Parker.