The Development of the Canon of the New Testament - The Stichometery of Nicephorus
The Stichometery of Nicephorus (9th century?)
Nicephorus (Patriarch of Constantinople 806-815) drew up a Chronography reaching from Adam to the year of his death (829), to which he appended a canon catalogue, the origin of which has not been clearly settled, but which may perhaps be located in Jerusalem. Whether it is older that 850 (so Jülicher) remains open to question. It is striking that in the enumeration of the NT books the Revelation of John is not present. The catalogue of the Old and New Testament books is followed by that of the antilegomena (which contains the Revelation of John) and of the apocrypha. Next to each book is the count of its stichoi (lines).
And the (writings) of the Old Testament which are gainsaid and are not recognized in the Church (canonized) are the following:
1. 3 Books of the Maccabees 7300 lines 2. The Wisdom of Solomon 1100 lines 3. The Wisdom of Jesus Sirach 2800 lines 4. The Psalms and Odes of Solomon 2100 lines 5. Esther 350 lines 6. Judith 1700 lines 7. Susanna 500 lines 8. Tobith, also (called) Tobias 700 lines And of the New Testament (writings) the following are gainsaid:
Apocrypha of the Old Testament are the following:
1. Enoch 4800 lines 2. (Testaments of the) Patriarchs 5100 lines 3. The Prayer of Joseph 300 lines 4. The Testament of Moses 1100 lines 5. The Assumption of Moses 1400 lines 6. Abraham 300 lines 7. Eldad and Modad 400 lines 8. (Book of the) prophet Elias 316 lines 9. (Book of the) prophet Zephaniah 600 lines 10. (Book of the) Zacharias, the father of John 500 lines 11. Pseudepigraphica of Baruch, Habakkuk, Ezekiel, and Daniel Apocrypha of the New Testament are the following:
1. The Circuit of Paul 3600 lines 2. The Circuit of Peter 2750 lines 3. The Circuit of John 2500 lines 4. The Circuit of Thomas 1600 lines 5. The Gospel of Thomas 1300 lines 6. The Teaching (Didache) of the Apostles 200 lines 7. The 32 (books) of Clement 2600 lines 8. (Writings) of Ignatius, of Polycarp and of Hermas ...
The Stichometery of Nicephorus
in Greek and Latin (courtesy of Andy Harrington)