Basic and advanced scientific questions answered within days.
Ask Gerard
any question. Some answers are here.
378 pages,
2760 articles,
20000 links.
From Los Angeles, CA:
is the online companion to Dr. Michon's future Numericana
book, presenting the recreational and serious sides of mathematics and
physics to a wide audience of scientists, engineers, teachers, parents, students
and adults teaching themselves Science.
Jack Lucentini (World Science)
described Numericana as covering Science
"from the magnificient to the obscure" (or the arcane).
Another reviewer (Tom Campbell)
called it "Mesmerizing [...]
a giant buffet of bite-sized but well-presented scientific factoids".
Dr. Robin Whitty
(creator of Theorem of the Day)
calls Numericana
"an Aladdin's cave of answers to mathematical questions, basic and advanced
[linking] to some of the best web resources in mathematics".
Dr. Cristoph Schiller
(author of Motion Mountain) recommends Numericana
"if you want to explore physics in a completely different way"...