The perceptive art of Giuseppe Novello

Take this one: an old man sits alone in a bare room, his modest circumstances merely hinted at by the stove in the back, and a servant holding a dish of meat says to him The horse is ready, your highness.
This is quintessential Novello: a sweeping historical change in European society is captured in one man's decline; which in turn is presented poignantly through a single mundane remark.
Shelley's Ozymandias does a grander job of depicting fallen greatness; but his Ramesses is distant and alien. The sad old count we see here is very human, and one can't help but feel sorry for his downfall from proudly riding horses to barely affording their meat. CHANGING TIMES

The names themselves evoke the middle class that is their main subject, with their daily struggle to cope with a changing world becoming "ever more difficult", while trying to keep up with the Joneses (or the Bianchis), avoid being gossiped about while doing it unto others, and trying to maintain some dignity in the framework of the (often ridiculous) social norms.
A recurring theme in this collection is Change: change in society, which for Novello means more dislocation than progress; change in the life of individuals as they grow old; and the combination of both: growing old while the world around one changes too fast for comfort.
For example:

An author approaches the king for the culmination of his career... Yet the glory of this moment in the limelight arrives too late in his life to bring him the joy of his youthful wins. NOBEL PRIZE

But the joy he'd felt when "The provincial echo" had published his first novel is not renewed.

The landscape in this drawing is very Italian, but the tragedy it captures had swept farmers in many parts of the world in the 20th century: the sudden obsolescence of the old agrarian way of life has left the older generation of farmers stranded in a vanishing lifestyle while their children leave for the cities. FARMERS FOR FIVE GENERATIONS

The only male child declares to his father his desire to pursue a career as a saxophonist.

Technological progress can be exciting...
(This was before every kid in the family had a cellular phone)
The first call.

...but sometimes the new technology leaves victims behind. THE COUP DE GRÂCE

Last Christmas, with that old magic lantern, she had still been able to entertain them.

Many of the sketches follow a "then and now" style: DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL

Yesterday and today.

Here, a ladies' hairdresser paints the signs on his new beauty salon. That's how life reboots when the insanity is over. RUINS

The first signs of the rebirth.

Still, Novello can't resist pointing out that with normality come back all the petty norms and useless mannerisms that existed before the war. The very name of this volume, Dunque dicevamo (So, we were saying) derives from this fact -- many of the sketches in it illustrate how people pick up just where they'd left off before the war, ignoring the lessons of the terrible intervening years. LIKE BEFORE

On his way back from a formal dinner, he is tormented by the thought that he'd served himself the salad into the main plate rather than in the appropriate crescent salad plate.

After the funeral, this scoundrel uses the deceased's generous sentiment to justify his stinginess. IT WAS HIS LAST WISH

Twenty cents, or "No flowers, but acts of charity".

Novello's sympathy, clearly, is with the last student's family... EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE

The first of the class has taken a "six" --
The last of the class has taken a "six".

Note that it is turning the radio on which denotes the arrival of silence. Novello's captions are as finely honed as his drawings in capturing the nuances he's after. THE SILENCE HAS ARRIVED

For the first time since the wedding, the husband turns on the radio during dinner.

These nouveaux riches in their plush box have a problem with their poor relatives who spotted them from the gallery... which doesn't bother the latter one bit, clearly. GALA NIGHT

The poor relatives greet from the balcony.

How true... so, should we book lovers be glad about it or not? PRIVILEGES OF CULTURE

A "hit" that will never be attempted.

Maybe, all things considered, one would have sufficed.

And a last one, to end this article on an optimistic note...

The fiancé who has reserved the apartment on the 16th floor.