The Eastern Gate (Bab Sharki)
It was named according to its location in the east side�� of the
city, it has three carved arcs. The Muslim Warrior "Khaled Ben al-Waleed"
entered Damascus through this gate in the Rashedi Era.
Peace Gate (Bab Al-Salam)
Thomas Gate (Bab Tooma)
It is locacted in the north of Damascus. It was named after a
famous Old Roman Leader, his name is Thomas.
The Paradise Gate (Bab Al-Faradees / Bab Al-Amara)
One of the northern gates; it was named the paradise gate in the
Roman age because there were plenty of water and gardens which used to surround
the gate. The other name , Bab Al Amara, refers to a name of a famous
building where people used to meet in the 14th century.
The Small Gate (Bab Al-Sgheer)
It is located in the southern side of the city. It had this name
because it was the smallest gate. A graveyard was erected near this gate; it
holds some graves of Companions of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and some
Umayyad caliphs.
Al-Faraj Gate (Al-Manakhliah)
It is situated in the northern side of the city. It consists of
a geminate gate which had two functions; the first was economic and the second
was to mislead the enemies attacking the city.
Al-Jabieh Gate
It is situated in the west of the city along the same line of
the eastern gate, and they both have a similar design. It has this name because
residents of the Jabieh village used to pass through this gate.
The Victory Gate (Bab Al-Nasr)
It is at the beginning of souk Al-Hamideya, and was destroyed in
the Ottoman Era.