
Olympedia – Jan Staubo

Jan Staubo was a top tennis player, winning eight Norwegian Championships, competing in the 1946 US Championships, and at Wimbledon in 1947, 1949, and 1950. He also played ice hockey and was a member of the national bandy team. Staubo distinguished himself during World War II fighting in the Norwegian Campaign. He attempted escape to Sweden, after the situation was desperate, but was caught in Trondheim, from where he escaped to Great Britain. He then trained as a pilot and was shot down in August 1942 where he was again captured by the Germans. Staubo left the military as a Lieutenant-Colonel. Professionally Staubo was a shipowner, and was Deputy Chairman of the Oslo Port Authority and a member of the Oslo City Council from 1961-67.

After World War II Staubo was Chairman of the Norwegian Tennis Federation from 1962-64 and was a board member of the Norwegian Confederation of Sports. He became an IOC Member in May 1967, resigning in September 2000, after which he was named an Honorary Member. He attended 42 IOC Sessions during his tenure.