
Olympedia – Ancient Art Competitions — Competition for Tragedy, Men (discontinued)

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  3. Ancient Art Competitions — Competition for Tragedy, Men (discontinued)
Times held 2
Total participants 0
Total countries 0


Year Event Status Participants NOCs
67 Competition for Tragedy, Men Ancient Olympics 1 1
161 Competition for Tragedy, Men Ancient Olympics 1 1

Medal winners

Year Gold Silver Bronze
67 Nero, Emperor of RomaROM
161 Marcus Aurelius AlexandrosSKS

Medals by country

NOC Gold Silver Bronze Total
Kos SKS 1 0 0 1
Roma ROM 1 0 0 1

Top medallists

Athlete Nat Gold Silver Bronze Total
Marcus Aurelius Alexandros SKS 1 0 0 1
Nero, Emperor of Roma ROM 1 0 0 1