
Olympedia – Fencing — Foil, Team, Women

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  3. Fencing — Foil, Team, Women
Times held 14
Total participants 404
Total countries 29


Year Event Status Participants NOCs
1960 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 57 12
1964 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 47 10
1968 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 50 10
1972 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 53 11
1976 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 61 13
1980 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 45 9
1984 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 48 10
1988 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 60 12
1992 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 60 12
1996 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 33 11
2000 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 29 9
2008 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 29 8
2012 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 36 9
2020 Foil, Team, Women Olympic 32 8

Medal winners

Year Gold Silver Bronze
1960 Soviet UnionURS HungaryHUN ItalyITA
1964 HungaryHUN Soviet UnionURS Unified Team of GermanyGER
1968 Soviet UnionURS HungaryHUN RomaniaROU
1972 Soviet UnionURS HungaryHUN RomaniaROU
1976 Soviet UnionURS FranceFRA HungaryHUN
1980 FranceFRA Soviet UnionURS HungaryHUN
1984 West GermanyFRG RomaniaROU FranceFRA
1988 West GermanyFRG ItalyITA HungaryHUN
1992 ItalyITA GermanyGER RomaniaROU
1996 ItalyITA RomaniaROU GermanyGER
2000 ItalyITA PolandPOL GermanyGER
2008 Russian FederationRUS United StatesUSA ItalyITA
2012 ItalyITA Russian FederationRUS Republic of KoreaKOR
2020 ROCROC FranceFRA ItalyITA

Medals by country

NOC Gold Silver Bronze Total
Soviet Union URS 4 2 0 6
Italy ITA 4 1 3 8
West Germany FRG 2 0 0 2
Hungary HUN 1 3 3 7
France FRA 1 2 1 4
Russian Federation RUS 1 1 0 2
ROC ROC 1 0 0 1
Romania ROU 0 2 3 5
Germany GER 0 1 3 4
Poland POL 0 1 0 1
United States USA 0 1 0 1
Republic of Korea KOR 0 0 1 1

Top medallists

Athlete Nat Gold Silver Bronze Total
Galina Gorokhova RUS
3 1 0 4
Yelena Novikova-Belova BLR
3 1 0 4
Tatyana Petrenko-Samusenko BLR
3 1 0 4
Giovanna Trillini ITA 3 0 1 4
Valentina Vezzali ITA 3 0 1 4

Participation by year

Country # 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2008 2012 2020
Argentina ARG 2 10 11
Australia AUS 1 =7
Austria AUT 2 =9 11 DNS
Canada CAN 6 =9 9 9 12 9 5
Cuba CUB 3 10 =9 6
East Germany GDR 1 8
Egypt EGY 3 8 9 8
France FRA 12 =5 6 4 6 Silver Gold Bronze 7 5 5 4 Silver
Germany GER 6 4 Bronze Silver Bronze Bronze 5
Great Britain GBR 10 =9 =7 8 9 =7 7 7 11 11 8
Hungary HUN 12 Silver Gold Silver Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze 7 4 6 4 7
Islamic Republic of Iran IRI 1 =9
Israel ISR 1 9
Italy ITA 14 Bronze 4 6 4 5 5 4 Silver Gold Gold Gold Bronze Gold Bronze
Japan JPN 6 10 =9 8 12 7 6
Mexico MEX 1 9
Netherlands NED 1 =5
People's Republic of China CHN 6 5 5 6 7 7 6
Poland POL 11 =5 7 7 6 4 10 8 8 Silver 7 5
ROC ROC 1 Gold
Republic of Korea KOR 3 8 10 Bronze
Romania ROU 9 =5 5 Bronze Bronze =7 9 Silver Bronze Silver
Russian Federation RUS 4 6 5 Gold Silver
Soviet Union URS 7 Gold Silver Gold Gold Gold Silver 4
Ukraine UKR 1 8
Unified Team EUN 1 4
United States USA 13 =9 =7 10 8 =9 6 6 9 10 4 Silver 6 4
Venezuela VEN 1 =9
West Germany FRG 5 5 5 4 Gold Gold