
Olympedia – Olympians Who Participated in the World's Strongest Man Competition

Athlete Nation(s) Sport(s) Role(s) Era Notes Raimonds Bergmanis LAT WLF Olympics / Other 1992—2000 finished 7th in 1996, 5th in 1997, eliminated in the heats in 1999, eliminated in the heats in 2001, 3rd in 2002, 5th in 2003, 4th in 2004 Geoff Capes GBR ATH Olympics 1972—1980 finished 3rd in 1980, 2nd in 1981, 4th in 1982, 1st in 1983, 3rd in 1984, 1st in 1985, and 2nd in 1986 Bishop Dolegiewicz CAN ATH Olympics 1976—1984 finished 4th in 1980 and 10st in 1981 Joe Dube USA WLF Olympics 1968 finished 7th in 1979 George Frenn USA ATH Olympics 1972 finished 8th in 1977 Ilkka Nummisto FIN CSP Olympics / Other 1964—1976 finished 7th in 1986, 5th in 1988, 6th in 1989, 3rd in 1990, 8th in 1992 Brian Oldfield USA ATH Olympics 1972 finished 7th in 1978 Ken Patera USA WLF Olympics 1972 finished 3rd in 1977 Gary Taylor GBR WLF Olympics 1984 finished 3rd in 1991, 5th in 1992, 1st in 1993, eliminated in the heats in 1994, 6th in 1995 Klaus Wallas AUT JUD Olympics 1976 finished 6th in 1986 Bob Weir GBR ATH Olympics 1984—2000 eliminated in the heats in 1997 Bruce Wilhelm USA WLF Olympics 1976 finished 1st in 1977 and 1978