
Olympedia – Foil, Individual, Men

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  5. Foil, Individual, Men
Date16 August 2004
LocationAithousa Ksifaskias, Olympiako Syngrotima Ellenikou, Hellinikon
Participants36 from 20 countries
FormatSingle-elimination tournament.

As a teenager Brice Guyart had been a member of the victorious French team in Sydney and had been a regular fixture in the national squad since then, albeit without tasting much success in major championships as an individual. To win in Athens Guyart had to turn back the challenges of the two top seeded Italian fencers. Firstly he defeated the number one seed, Andrea Cassarà, by a single hit in the semi-final then clinched the gold medal with a 15-13 victory of second seed Salvatore Sanzo. This would be the only major individual victory of the Frenchman’s career although he continued to be a valued member of the French team for many years to come.

14Brice GuyartFRAGold
22Salvatore SanzoITASilver
31Andrea CassaràITABronze
428Renal GaneyevRUS
53Simone VanniITA
65Peter JoppichGER
78Wu HanxiongCHN
824Richard KruseGBR
911Yuki OtaJPN
1016Ha Chang-DeokKOR
1118Park Hui-GyeongKOR
1219Loïc AttelyFRA
1320Erwann Le PéchouxFRA
1422Choi Byeong-CheolKOR
1523Tamer Mohamed TahounEGY
1626Dan KellnerUSA
176Ralf BißdorfGER
187Cédric GohyBEL
199Wang HaibinCHN
2010João GomesPOR
2112Ruslan NasibullinRUS
2213Dong ZhaozhiCHN
2314Roland SchlosserAUT
2415André WeßelsGER
2517Yury MolchanRUS
2621Edgar ChumaceroMEX
2725Frank BartolilloAUS
2827Mostafa NagatyEGY
2929Josh McGuireCAN
3031Jon TiomkinUSA
3132Carlos RodríguezVEN
3236Sofiane El-AziziALG
3330Jed DupreeUSA
3433Mostafa AnwarEGY
3534Maher Ben AzizaTUN
3635Lau Kwok KinHKG

Round One

Date16 August 2004 — 10:00
FormatWinner of each match advanced to round two.
MatchDate/TimeLocationCompetitor (Seed)NOCResultCompetitor (Seed)NOC
Bout #116 AugAndrea Cassarà (1)ITAbye
Bout #216 AugPiste GreenJon Tiomkin (31)USA15 – 10Maher Ben Aziza (34)TUN
Bout #316 AugPark Hui-Gyeong (18)KORbye
Bout #416 AugAndré Weßels (15)GERbye
Bout #516 AugWang Haibin (9)CHNbye
Bout #616 AugRichard Kruse (24)GBRbye
Bout #716 AugDan Kellner (26)USAbye
Bout #816 AugCédric Gohy (7)BELbye
Bout #916 AugPeter Joppich (5)GERbye
Bout #1016 AugMostafa Nagaty (27)EGYbye
Bout #1116 AugChoi Byeong-Cheol (22)KORbye
Bout #1216 AugRuslan Nasibullin (12)RUSbye
Bout #1316 AugRoland Schlosser (14)AUTbye
Bout #1416 AugLoïc Attely (19)FRAbye
Bout #1516 AugPiste YellowSofiane El-Azizi (36)ALG15 – 14Jed Dupree (30)USA
Bout #1616 AugBrice Guyart (4)FRAbye
Bout #1716 AugSimone Vanni (3)ITAbye
Bout #1816 AugPiste BlueJosh McGuire (29)CAN15 – 14Lau Kwok Kin (35)HKG
Bout #1916 AugErwann Le Péchoux (20)FRAbye
Bout #2016 AugDong Zhaozhi (13)CHNbye
Bout #2116 AugYuki Ota (11)JPNbye
Bout #2216 AugEdgar Chumacero (21)MEXbye
Bout #2316 AugRenal Ganeyev (28)RUSbye
Bout #2416 AugRalf Bißdorf (6)GERbye
Bout #2516 AugWu Hanxiong (8)CHNbye
Bout #2616 AugFrank Bartolillo (25)AUSbye
Bout #2716 AugTamer Mohamed Tahoun (23)EGYbye
Bout #2816 AugJoão Gomes (10)PORbye
Bout #2916 AugHa Chang-Deok (16)KORbye
Bout #3016 AugYury Molchan (17)RUSbye
Bout #3116 AugPiste RedCarlos Rodríguez (32)VEN15 – 7Mostafa Anwar (33)EGY
Bout #3216 AugSalvatore Sanzo (2)ITAbye

Round Two

Date16 August 2004 — 10:30
FormatWinner of each match advanced to round three.
MatchDate/TimeLocationCompetitor (Seed)NOCResultCompetitor (Seed)NOC
Bout #116 Aug 10:30Piste GreenAndrea Cassarà (1)ITA15 – 3Jon Tiomkin (31)USA
Bout #216 Aug 11:00Piste RedPark Hui-Gyeong (18)KOR15 – 13André Weßels (15)GER
Bout #316 Aug 11:30Piste RedRichard Kruse (24)GBR15 – 11Wang Haibin (9)CHN
Bout #416 Aug 12:00Piste RedDan Kellner (26)USA15 – 12Cédric Gohy (7)BEL
Bout #516 Aug 10:30Piste GreenPeter Joppich (5)GER15 – 10Mostafa Nagaty (27)EGY
Bout #616 Aug 11:00Piste YellowChoi Byeong-Cheol (22)KOR15 – 12Ruslan Nasibullin (12)RUS
Bout #716 Aug 11:30Piste GreenLoïc Attely (19)FRA15 – 14Roland Schlosser (14)AUT
Bout #816 Aug 12:00Piste YellowBrice Guyart (4)FRA15 – 3Sofiane El-Azizi (36)ALG
Bout #916 Aug 10:30Piste BlueSimone Vanni (3)ITA15 – 10Josh McGuire (29)CAN
Bout #1016 Aug 11:00Piste BlueErwann Le Péchoux (20)FRA15 – 9Dong Zhaozhi (13)CHN
Bout #1116 Aug 11:30Piste BlueYuki Ota (11)JPN15 – 9Edgar Chumacero (21)MEX
Bout #1216 Aug 12:00Piste GreenRenal Ganeyev (28)RUS15 – 11Ralf Bißdorf (6)GER
Bout #1316 Aug 10:30Piste YellowWu Hanxiong (8)CHN15 – 8Frank Bartolillo (25)AUS
Bout #1416 Aug 11:00Piste RedTamer Mohamed Tahoun (23)EGY15 – 14João Gomes (10)POR
Bout #1516 Aug 11:30Piste YellowHa Chang-Deok (16)KOR15 – 13Yury Molchan (17)RUS
Bout #1616 Aug 12:00Piste BlueSalvatore Sanzo (2)ITA15 – 7Carlos Rodríguez (32)VEN

Round Three

Date16 August 2004 — 12:30
FormatWinner of each match advanced to quarter-finals.
MatchDate/TimeLocationCompetitor (Seed)NOCResultCompetitor (Seed)NOC
Bout #116 Aug 12:30Piste RedAndrea Cassarà (1)ITA15 – 13Park Hui-Gyeong (18)KOR
Bout #216 Aug 13:00Piste RedRichard Kruse (24)GBR15 – 14Dan Kellner (26)USA
Bout #316 Aug 12:30Piste GreenPeter Joppich (5)GER15 – 10Choi Byeong-Cheol (22)KOR
Bout #416 Aug 13:00Piste GreenBrice Guyart (4)FRA15 – 4Loïc Attely (19)FRA
Bout #516 Aug 12:30Piste BlueSimone Vanni (3)ITA15 – 8Erwann Le Péchoux (20)FRA
Bout #616 Aug 13:00Piste BlueRenal Ganeyev (28)RUS15 – 8Yuki Ota (11)JPN
Bout #716 Aug 12:30Piste YellowWu Hanxiong (8)CHN15 – 8Tamer Mohamed Tahoun (23)EGY
Bout #816 Aug 13:00Piste YellowSalvatore Sanzo (2)ITA15 – 6Ha Chang-Deok (16)KOR


Date16 August 2004 — 13:40
FormatWinner of each match advanced to semi-finals.
MatchDate/TimeLocationCompetitor (Seed)NOCResultCompetitor (Seed)NOC
Bout #116 Aug 13:40Piste RedAndrea Cassarà (1)ITA15 – 8Richard Kruse (24)GBR
Bout #216 Aug 13:40Piste GreenBrice Guyart (4)FRA15 – 12Peter Joppich (5)GER
Bout #316 Aug 13:40Piste BlueRenal Ganeyev (28)RUS15 – 14Simone Vanni (3)ITA
Bout #416 Aug 13:40Piste YellowSalvatore Sanzo (2)ITA15 – 10Wu Hanxiong (8)CHN


Date16 August 2004 — 18:30
FormatWinner of each match advanced to final.
MatchDate/TimeLocationCompetitor (Seed)NOCResultCompetitor (Seed)NOC
Bout #116 Aug 18:30Piste FinalBrice Guyart (4)FRA15 – 14Andrea Cassarà (1)ITA
Bout #216 Aug 19:00Piste FinalSalvatore Sanzo (2)ITA15 – 12Renal Ganeyev (28)RUS

Final Round

Date16 August 2004 — 19:30
MatchDate/TimeLocationCompetitor (Seed)NOCResultCompetitor (Seed)NOC
Bout 1/216 Aug 19:55Piste FinalBrice Guyart (4)FRA15 – 13Salvatore Sanzo (2)ITA
Bout 3/416 Aug 19:30Piste FinalAndrea Cassarà (1)ITA15 – 12Renal Ganeyev (28)RUS