
Olympedia – Half-Middleweight (≤78 kilograms), Men

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  5. Half-Middleweight (≤78 kilograms), Men
Date29 July 1980 — 10:00-19:00
LocationDvorets sporta, Tsentralny stadion imeni V. I. Lenina, Moskva
Participants23 from 23 countries
FormatTwo single-elimination pools, with winner of each pool advanced to the final. All judoka losing to the winner of each pool advanced to repêchage pools, with the winners of the repêchage pools earning bronze medals.

This was the class most affected by the boycott as Japan’s Shozo Fujii, four-time World Champion, was not present. In addition the 1980 European Champion, Neil Adams, dropped back to the lightweight class in Moskva. In their absence, the class came down, as did many in 1980 judo, to Soviet, Cuban, and East German fighters. The final matched Shota Khabareli (USSR and Georgia) against Cuba’s Juan Ferrer. Ferrer opened with koka at 23 seconds, but Khabarelli equaled the match at two minutes, and made the winning move at four minutes, scoring a yuko from ouchi-gari. The bronze medalists, Bernard Tchoullouyan of France and Harald Heinke of East Germany, had also won medals in this class at the 1979 Worlds.

1Shota KhabareliURSGold
2Juan FerrerCUBSilver
=3Bernard TchoullouyanFRABronze
=3Harald HeinkeGDRBronze
=5Mircea FrățicăROU
=5Ignacio SanzESP
=7Georgi PetrovBUL
=7Slavko SikirićYUG
9Dave McManusIRL
=10António RoquetePOR
=10Carlos Alberto CunhaBRA
=12Chris BowlesGBR
=12Berkane AddaALG
=12Dovdongiin DashjamtsMGL
=12Thomas HagmannSUI
=12Vladimír BártaTCH
=17Philippe SimoCMR
=17Karim BadianeSEN
=17Jarosław BrawataPOL
=17Henry SichalweZAM
=17János GyániHUN
=17Michel GrantSWE
=17Bassam El-JabbinSYR

Pool A (29 July 1980)

Round One (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Chris BowlesGBR

Yusei-gachi (5:00)

Philippe SimoCMR
Match #2 Berkane AddaALG

Ippon (2:07)

Jarosław BrawataPOL
Match #3 Juan FerrerCUB

Waza-ari (5:00)

Dave McManusIRL
Match #4 Ignacio SanzESP

Ippon (0:20)

Bassam El-JabbinSYR

Quarter-Finals (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Bernard TchoullouyanFRA

Yusei-gachi (5:00)

Chris BowlesGBR
Match #2 António RoquetePOR

Waza-ari (5:00)

Berkane AddaALG
Match #3 Juan FerrerCUB

Yuko (5:00)

Slavko SikirićYUG
Match #4 Ignacio SanzESP

Ippon (1:31)

Dovdongiin DashjamtsMGL

Semi-Finals (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Bernard TchoullouyanFRA

Ippon (1:54)

António RoquetePOR
Match #2 Juan FerrerCUB

Ippon (1:09)

Ignacio SanzESP

Final Round (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Juan FerrerCUB

Uchi-mata/Ippon (0:28)

Bernard TchoullouyanFRA

Repêchage (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Slavko SikirićYUG

Yusei-gachi (5:00)

Dave McManusIRL
Match #2 Ignacio SanzESP

Ippon (3:17)

Slavko SikirićYUG
Match 3/4 Bernard TchoullouyanFRA

Waza-ari-wasete Ippon (7:00)

Ignacio SanzESP

Pool B (29 July 1980)

Round One (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Harald HeinkeGDR

Koka (5:00)

Karim BadianeSEN
Match #2 Vladimír BártaTCH

Ippon (0:09)

Henry SichalweZAM
Match #3 Carlos Alberto CunhaBRA

Waza-ari (5:00)

Michel GrantSWE
Match #4 Mircea FrățicăROU

Waza-ari (5:00)

János GyániHUN

Quarter-Finals (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Shota KhabareliURS

Koka (5:00)

Harald HeinkeGDR
Match #2 Georgi PetrovBUL

Yusei-gachi (5:00)

Vladimír BártaTCH
Match #3 Carlos Alberto CunhaBRA

Yusei-gachi (5:00)

Thomas HagmannSUI
Match #4 Mircea FrățicăROU bye

Semi-Finals (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Shota KhabareliURS

Koka/Shido (5:00)

Georgi PetrovBUL
Match #2 Mircea FrățicăROU

Ippon (4:12)

Carlos Alberto CunhaBRA

Final Round (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Shota KhabareliURS

Yuko (5:00)

Mircea FrățicăROU

Repêchage (29 July 1980)

Match #1 Harald HeinkeGDR

Yuko (5:00)

Georgi PetrovBUL
Match 3/4 Mircea FrățicăROU

Yuko/Chui (7:00)

Harald HeinkeGDR

Final Round (29 July 1980)

Match 1/2 Shota KhabareliURS

O-uchi-gari/Yuko (7:00)

Juan FerrerCUB