
Olympedia – Lightweight (≤58 kilograms), Women

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  3. 2000 Summer Olympics
  4. Weightlifting
  5. Lightweight (≤58 kilograms), Women
Date18 September 2000 — 18:30
LocationSydney Convention Centre, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney, New South Wales (Convention Centre)
Participants17 from 16 countries
FormatTotal of best lifts in snatch and clean & jerk determined placement. Ties broken by lightest bodyweight.

China’s Chen Yanqing, the 1999 World Champion, would have been favored but the Chinese elected not to enter her, because of the rule limiting nations to entering lifters in no more than four female classes. This made the favorite North Korean Ri Song-Hui, who was runner-up at the 1997 and 1999 Worlds. Ri took the lead after the snatch with 97.5 kg followed by Mexican Soraya Jiménez with 95.0 kg. On Ri’s second attempt in the clean & jerk she came out late and when she was about to start her lift, her time ran out and it was declared a no-lift. The North Korean officials protested, to no one’s surprise, but it was denied by the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF). After Ri lifted 122.5 kg on her third attempt, Jiménez then hoisted 127.5 kg for a total of 222.5 kg, to win the gold medal. Khassaraporn Suta won the bronze medal, the first Olympic medal ever won by a Thai woman.

1Soraya JiménezMEX222.5ORGold
2Ri Song-HuiPRK220.0Silver
3Khassaraporn SutaTHA210.0Bronze
4Maryse TurcotteCAN205.0
5Aleksandra KlejnowskaPOL202.5
6Khin Moe NweMYA200.0
7Nataliya SkakunUKR197.5
8Hanna BatsiushkaBLR197.5
9Dagmar DanekováSVK187.5
10Natasha BarkerAUS180.0
11Ingeborg MarxBEL177.5
12Meagan WartholdAUS175.0
13Sophia VandagneSEY160.0
14Leila Françoise LassouaniALG142.5
15Melissa Lynn FejeranGUM132.5
DNFEvelyn EbhomienNGR92.5
DNFYuriko TakahashiJPN85.0