One35th presents - 24cm KE other similar type of German railway guns

24cm KE Photo Gallery 
24cm Theodor Bruno KE
24cm "Theodor Bruno" KE
24cm Theodor KE
24cm "Theodor" KE
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24cm Theodor firing !
24cm "Theodor" Firing from turn table
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24cm Thedor Bruno in action
The barrel of the 24cm L/35 gun Theodor Bruno is in horizontal loading position as the ammunition hoist raises a shell for loading. The barrel cradle is a cast two piece structure, and there are two hydraulic recoil systems.
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24cm KE in action
This rise ammunition cart, built by the gun crew, carried the shells at the same level as the gun's loading platform, making loading easier.
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24cm KE in action
The extensive camouflage frame and netting are being erected over the gun.

References / Credits :
Deutsche Eisenbahn Gesch�tzen -
Gerhard Taube - Motor Buch Verlag - ISBN 3-613-01352-5 more..
Die schweren Gesch�tze der Welt - Franz Kosar - Motor Buch Verlag - ISBN 3-613-02204-4 more..
German Artillery of World War II - Ian V.Hogg - Greenhill Books - ISBN 0887403220 more..
Eisenbahn Gesch�tze der Welt - Franz Kosar - Motor Buch Verlag - ISBN 3-613-01976-0 more..
German Railroad Guns in action - Joachim Engelmann - Squadron - ISBN 0-89747-048-6 more..