
  • ️Sun Jan 13 2019
Title: A General Property Customization Mechanism
Authors: David Hollman,
Chris Kohlhoff,
Bryce Lelbach,
Jared Hoberock,
Gordon Brown,
Michał Dominiak,
Other Contributors: Lee Howes,
Michael Garland,
Chris Mysen,
Thomas Rodgers,
Michael Wong,
Document Number: P1393R0
Date: 2019-01-13
Audience: LEWG
Abstract: This paper generalizes and extracts the property customization mechanism from P0443r8, as requested by LEWG in the 2018-11 San Diego meeting. This document does not introduce any significant design changes from the design previously discussed in the context of P0443; the separation herein is merely a recognition of the mechanism’s general applicability and is made in anticipation of its use in other contexts.


Revision 0

  • Initial design, migrated from P0443R9.


At the 2018-11 San Diego meeting, LEWG voted to generalize the mechanism for property-based customization that P0443R9 introduced. They requested that the customization points objects for handling properties be moved to the namespace std (from namespace std::execution), and that a paper presenting wording for the mechanism in a manner decoupled from executors be brought to the 2019-02 Kona meeting. LEWG further requested that a separate customization point object be provided for properties that are intended to enforce the presence of a particular interface, and this paper includes that object as require_concept. The requested changes have been provided here. Discussion pertaining to the design of this mechanism has been omitted here, since significant background and discussion has been included in previous revisions of P0443 and meeting notes on the discussion thereof.

Proposed Wording

Add the following row to the table in [utilities.general]:

Subclause Header(s)
[properties] Support for the property customization mechanism <property>

Add the following subclause to [utilities] in a section which the editor shall determine:

Properties Support


This subclause describes components supporting an extensible customization mechanism, currently used most prominently by the execution support library [execution].

namespace std {
  // Customization point objects:
  inline namespace unspecified {
    inline constexpr unspecified require_concept = unspecified;
    inline constexpr unspecified require = unspecified;
    inline constexpr unspecified prefer = unspecified;
    inline constexpr unspecified query = unspecified;
  // Property applicability trait:
  template<class T, class P> struct is_applicable_property;
  template<class T, class Property>
    inline constexpr bool is_applicable_property_v = is_applicable_property<T, Property>::value;
  // Customization point type traits:
  template<class T, class P> struct can_require_concept;
  template<class T, class... P> struct can_require;
  template<class T, class... P> struct can_prefer;
  template<class T, class P> struct can_query;
  template<class T, class Property>
    inline constexpr bool can_require_concept_v = can_require_concept<T, Property>::value;
  template<class T, class... Properties>
    inline constexpr bool can_require_v = can_require<T, Properties...>::value;
  template<class T, class... Properties>
    inline constexpr bool can_prefer_v = can_prefer<T, Properties...>::value;
  template<class T, class Property>
    inline constexpr bool can_query_v = can_query<T, Property>::value;
} // namespace std

Customization point objects


inline namespace unspecified {
  inline constexpr unspecified require_concept = unspecified;

The name require_concept denotes a customization point object. The expression std::require_concept(E, P) for some subexpressions E and P (with types T = decay_t<decltype(E)> and Prop = decay_t<decltype(P)>) is expression-equivalent to:

  • If is_applicable_property_v<T, Prop> && Prop::is_requirable_concept is not a well-formed constant expression with value true, std::require_concept(E, P) is ill-formed.

  • Otherwise, E if the expression Prop::template static_query_v<T> == Prop::value() is a well-formed constant expression with value true.

  • Otherwise, (E).require_concept(P) if the expression (E).require_concept(P) is well-formed.

  • Otherwise, require_concept(E, P) if the expression require_concept(E, P) is a valid expression with overload resolution performed in a context that does not include the declaration of the require_concept customization point object.

  • Otherwise, std::require_concept(E, P) is ill-formed.


inline namespace unspecified {
  inline constexpr unspecified require = unspecified;

The name require denotes a customization point object. The expression std::require(E, P0, Pn...) for some subexpressions E and P0, and where Pn... represents N subexpressions (where N is 0 or more, and with types T = decay_t<decltype(E)> and Prop0 = decay_t<decltype(P0)>) is expression-equivalent to:

  • If is_applicable_property_v<T, Prop0> && Prop0::is_requirable is not a well-formed constant expression with value true, std::require(E, P0, Pn...) is ill-formed.

  • Otherwise, E if N == 0 and the expression Prop0::template static_query_v<T> == Prop0::value() is a well-formed constant expression with value true.

  • Otherwise, (E).require(P0) if N == 0 and the expression (E).require(P0) is a valid expression.

  • Otherwise, require(E, P) if N == 0 and the expression require(E, P) is a valid expression with overload resolution performed in a context that does not include the declaration of the require customization point object.

  • Otherwise, std::require(std::require(E, P0), Pn...) if N > 0 and the expression std::require(std::require(E, P0), Pn...) is a valid expression.

  • Otherwise, std::require(E, P0, Pn...) is ill-formed.


inline namespace unspecified {
  inline constexpr unspecified prefer = unspecified;

The name prefer denotes a customization point object. The expression std::prefer(E, P0, Pn...) for some subexpressions E and P0, and where Pn... represents N subexpressions (where N is 0 or more, and with types T = decay_t<decltype(E)> and Prop0 = decay_t<decltype(P0)>) is expression-equivalent to:

  • If is_applicable_property_v<T, Prop0> && Prop0::is_preferable is not a well-formed constant expression with value true, std::prefer(E, P0, Pn...) is ill-formed.

  • Otherwise, E if N == 0 and the expression Prop0::template static_query_v<T> == Prop0::value() is a well-formed constant expression with value true.

  • Otherwise, (E).require(P0) if N == 0 and the expression (E).require(P0) is a valid expression.

  • Otherwise, require(E, P0) if N == 0 and the expression require(E, P0) is a valid expression with overload resolution performed in a context that does not include the declaration of the require customization point object.

  • Otherwise, std::prefer(std::prefer(E, P0), Pn...) if N > 0 and the expression std::prefer(std::prefer(E, P0), Pn...) is a valid expression.

  • Otherwise, std::prefer(E, P0, Pn...) is ill-formed.


inline namespace unspecified {
  inline constexpr unspecified query = unspecified;

The name query denotes a customization point object. The expression std::query(E, P) for some subexpressions E and P (with types T = decay_t<decltype(E)> and Prop = decay_t<decltype(P)>) is expression-equivalent to:

  • If is_applicable_property_v<T, Prop> is not a well-formed constant expression with value true, std::query(E, P) is ill-formed.

  • Otherwise, Prop::template static_query_v<T> if the expression Prop::template static_query_v<T> is a well-formed constant expression.

  • Otherwise, (E).query(P) if the expression (E).query(P) is well-formed.

  • Otherwise, query(E, P) if the expression query(E, P) is a valid expression with overload resolution performed in a context that does not include the declaration of the query customization point object.

  • Otherwise, std::query(E, P) is ill-formed.

Property applicability trait

template<class T, class Property> struct is_applicable_property;

This sub-clause contains a template that may be used to query the applicability of a property to a type at compile time. It may be specialized to indicate applicability of a property to a type. This template is a UnaryTypeTrait (C++Std [meta.rqmts]) with a BaseCharacteristic of true_type if the corresponding condition is true, otherwise false_type.

Template Condition Preconditions
template<class T, class P>
struct is_applicable_property
The expression P::template is_applicable_property_v<T> is a well-formed constant expression with a value of true. P and T are complete types.

Customization point type traits

template<class T, class Property> struct can_require_concept;
template<class T, class... Properties> struct can_require;
template<class T, class... Properties> struct can_prefer;
template<class T, class Property> struct can_query;

This sub-clause contains templates that may be used to query the validity of the application of property customization point objects to a type at compile time. Each of these templates is a UnaryTypeTrait (C++Std [meta.rqmts]) with a BaseCharacteristic of true_type if the corresponding condition is true, otherwise false_type.

Template Condition Preconditions
template<class T, class P>
struct can_require_concept
The expression std::require_concept(declval<const T>(), declval<P>()) is well-formed. T and P are complete types.
template<class T, class... P>
struct can_require
The expression std::require(declval<const T>(), declval<P>()...) is well-formed. T and P... are complete types.
template<class T, class... P>
struct can_prefer
The expression std::prefer(declval<const T>(), declval<P>()...) is well-formed. T and P... are complete types.
template<class T, class P>
struct can_query
The expression std::query(declval<const T>(), declval<P>()) is well-formed. T and P are complete types.
template<class T, class P>
struct is_applicable_property
The expression P::template is_applicable_property_v<T> is a well-formed constant expression with a value of true. P and T are complete types.

The property customization mechanism

In general

When the property customization mechanism is being employed for some library facility, an object’s behavior and effects on that facility in generic contexts may be determined by a set of applicable properties, and each property imposes certain requirements on that object’s behavior or exposes some attribute of that object. As well as modifying the behavior of an object, properties can be applied to an object to enforce the presence of an interface, potentially resulting in an object of a new type that satisfies some concept associated with that property.

Requirements on properties

  • A property type P shall provide a nested constant variable template named is_applicable_property_v, usable as P::template is_applicable_property_v<T> on any complete type T, with a value of type bool.

  • A property type shall be either a concept-preserving property type or a concept-enforcing property type.
    • A concept-preserving property type PN shall provide:
      • A nested constant expression named is_requirable of type bool, usable as PN::is_requirable.
      • A nested constant expression named is_preferable of type bool, usable as PN::is_preferable.
    • A concept-enforcing property type PC that shall provide a nested constant expression named is_requirable_concept of type bool, usable as PC::is_requirable_concept.
  • A property type P may provide a nested type polymorphic_query_result_type that satisfies the CopyConstructible and Destructible requirements. If P is a concept-preserving property, and P::is_requirable == true or P::is_preferable == true, then polymorphic_query_result_type shall also satisfy the DefaultConstructible requirements when provided. [Note: When present, this type allows the property to be used with polymorphic wrappers. –end note]

  • A property type P may provide:
    • A nested variable template static_query_v, usable as P::template static_query_v<T> for any type T where is_applicable_property_v<T, P> is true. [Note: This may be conditionally present. —end note]
    • A member function value().
  • For a property type P and type T where is_applicable_property_v<T, P> is true, if P::value() is a valid expression of type V1 and P::template static_query_v<T> is a valid constant expression of type V2, then V1 and V2 shall meet the requirements of EqualityComparableWith<V1, V2> in [concept.equalitycomparable].

  • [Note: The static_query_v and value() members are used to determine whether invoking require or require_concept would result in an identity transformation. —end note]

  • A concept-enforcing property type P may provide a nested template or named polymorphic_wrapper_type, usable with properties Ps... as typename P::template polymorphic_wrapper_type<Ps...>. The type PW resulting from the instantiation of this template shall:
    • be implicitly constructible from a (potentially const) instance of a type T, where:
      • can_query_v<Pn, T> is true for all Pn in Ps... where Pn::polymorhic_query_result_type is well-formed
      • for all Pn in Ps... with Pn::is_requirable == true, either:
        • can_require_v<Pn, T> is true, or
        • can_prefer_v<Pn, T> is true
      • can_prefer_v<Pn, T> is true for all Pn in Ps... with Pn::is_preferable == true
      • P::template static_query_v<T> == P::value() is true if P::template static_query_v<T> == P::value() is a valid constant expression
    • be valid in the constant expression is_applicable_property_v<PW, P>, and that expression shall be true.
    • if P::template static_query_v<PW> == P::value() is a valid constant expression, then that expression shall be true.
  • Let Prop be a concept-preserving property and let CP be a concept-enforcing property. Let e be a instance of a type E for which can_require_v<E, Prop> is true. Let prop be an instance of type Prop. Let Props... be a list of properties for which the expression CP::template polymorphic_wrapper_type<Props...>(e) is well-formed. If the expression CP::template static_query_v<E> == CP::value() is a well-formed constant expression with value true, the expression CP::template polymorphic_wrapper_type<Props...>(std::require(e, prop)) shall be well-formed if and only if, given the type T = decay_t<decltype(std::require(e, prop))>,
    • can_query_v<Pn, T> is true for all Pn in Props... where Pn::polymorphic_query_result_type is well-formed
    • can_require_concept_v<Pn, T> is true for all Pn in Props... with Pn::is_requirable_concept == true
    • for all Pn in Props... with Pn::is_requirable == true, either:
      • can_require_v<Pn, T> is true, or
      • can_prefer_v<Pn, T> is true
    • can_prefer_v<Pn, T> is true for all Pn in Props... with Pn::is_preferable == true
  • [Note: For example, the struct S provides the type for a concept-enforcing property:

struct S
  static constexpr bool is_requirable_concept = true;
  template<class... Ps> 
    class polymorphic_wrapper_type;
  using polymorphic_query_result_type = bool;
  template<class T>
    static constexpr bool static_query_v = /* ... */;
  static constexpr bool value() const { return true; }

—end note]