Pallone for New Jersey
- ️@pallonefornj
About Frank Pallone

Frank Pallone has been fighting for the people he is elected to represent since his first day in Congress. The 6th district encompasses most of Middlesex County, as well as the Bayshore and oceanfront areas of Monmouth County.
Throughout his tenure in Congress, Frank’s legislative accomplishments have been focused on the protection and restoration of environmental resources, making health care more affordable and accessible, and helping to grow and strengthen our middle class. Frank was elected by his colleagues to serve as the Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over a tremendous range of issue that touch nearly everyone’s life everyday - issues pertaining to energy, environment, health care, commerce and telecommunications just to name a few.
Jeff & Audrey Tyler
"Shortly after we moved to Monmouth County Frank quickly became our champion for the NJ Shore. Our clean beaches and waterways today are a testament to his dedication to the environment over the long haul and his ability to reach across the aisle to get things done. As ranking Democrat on the Committee on Energy and Commerce, he is uniquely positioned to represent New Jersey as a leader in the US Congress."
Fred Tagliarini
Mayor - Aberdeen Township
As Mayor of Aberdeen, I can whole heartedly say that Frank has always been available to help Aberdeen. From super storm Sandy, to major fires in town to any issue facing Aberdeen, the first "how can I help" call comes from Frank. He is caring person who knows that people come first. He has dedicated his public life to helping others.
Roberta Simpson
"I am a disabled veteran from the Vietnam era. I am a registered nurse who had worked in the Army for 3-1/2 years and in civilian life for many years who had fallen on hard times because of illness and now I needed help. I desperately needed help from the VA to prevent me from becoming homeless. I tried every thing I could to get help from the VA support services, but my situation had surpassed getting back rent help. Congressman Pallone and his staff listened to me and took action immediately. Because of all of this, I will never forget that “people still care.”
Charlie Wowkanech
President - NJ AFL-CIO
As President of the NJ AFL-CIO I know first-hand that Frank Pallone is a tireless advocate on behalf of working men and women. Frank possess the leadership, expertise and values needed to uplift and empower our states working families.
Mary Gatta
West Long Branch
As a college professor, I am keenly aware of the value of a college education and the opportunities it affords. Too many of my students graduate with tens of thousands of dollars of debt-- making it difficult for them to make ends meet after they graduate.
Brian C. Wahler
Mayor - Piscataway Township
“Congressman Pallone has had a significant impact on Piscataway’s population. He has worked tirelessly on our behalf by working for and with our senior population on issues such as Medicare and Medicaid. The Congressman has proved time and time again that he understands the needs of not only our community but fully recognizes and works to resolve a myriad of other issues that impact all of our communities. He remains an astute, valuable, and outstanding resource for all of us”.
Transport Workers Union of America
Middlesex County Democratic Organization
LCV Action Fund
National Wildlife Fund
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
NJ State Policemen's Benevolent Association